I have thought about this issue for a long time and how best to present my ideas. I decided the most ideal way will be to treat it as though there was a trial. So, consider this my opening statement:
For thousands and thousands of years the “science was settled.” Marriage was between a man and a woman. Human beings were whatever God made them — male or female. There were/are two genders.
Science provided the rationale for those beliefs. The Bible provided the rationale for those beliefs. And human intuition provided the rationale for those beliefs.
Imagine, if you will, a loved one who passed away 15-20 years ago. Now imagine trying to explain to them where we are at with the radical LGBTQ agenda.
Explain to them that a 40-year-old man who thinks he is a woman suddenly has a “right” to use the bathroom stall next to their 9-year-old granddaughter. Explain to them that marriage is now “inclusive” and no longer is an institution strictly intended for one man and one woman.
Imagine telling them that their local preschool would teach 4-year-olds they could choose to be a boy, a girl, both, neither or something else.
The Republican Party has championed traditional values. It has championed biblical values. In actuality, it is the Republican Party that has “trusted the science” on issues such as marriage, sexual orientation and gender identity.
We have to ask ourselves two questions.
First, is the Republican Party still boldly championing these traditional values? Is the GOP continuing in its defense of what is right regardless of what society believes is wrong? Or, is the Republican Party simply following the culture toward the ash heap of history on a similar path as Sodom and Gomorrah?
We are going to examine the evidence of whether Republicans in Iowa are continuing this defense, or if they are indeed beginning to wave the white flag of surrender on these consequential issues.
Second, should the Republican Party fight for these traditional values. If it is these values, after all, that hurt Republicans in elections and damage the party’s chances of attracting the next generation of voters, might it be wise to instead cede ground on these moral issues and hope that for some reason the perversion train decides to stop?
For many of us, the answer to the second question is plainly obvious — the Republican Party should not give up on fighting back against the radical LGBTQ agenda pushed from the far Left.
During the debate on homosexual marriage, conservatives warned repeatedly about the slippery slope homosexual marriage would create.
About a dozen years later, anyone still questioning or doubting if this slippery slope would actually exist is either willfully ignorant or legitimately blind to what is happening around them.
We must recognize there are real-world consequences for failing to defend these traditional family values and failing to stop the radical LGBTQ agenda. Business owners have lost their livelihoods because they refused to abandon their sincerely held religious beliefs. Schools have allowed the LGBTQ indoctrination of children to infiltrate their curriculum at the earliest age possible. Libraries have hosted men dressed up as women to read books to little kids.
Even right here in Northwest Iowa, deep red Republican country, every fall grown men dress up like women and dance like strippers for dollar bills and rub the face of grown men in their chest all in front of innocent children.
Does it matter? I believe it does.
It matters for various reasons — a person’s physical health, a person’s mental health and a person’s spiritual health. But also for societal health.
Now, not every Republican will agree with me that it matters. That’s fine. But for now, we still live in a state where the Republican Party platform boldly proclaims the importance of the traditional family and takes a firm stand against the radical LGBTQ agenda.
As you make your own decision on whether the GOP should continue standing for traditional family values and fighting the radical LGBTQ agenda, ignore worries of the flesh.
Forget about “winning an election.” Forget about “raising money.” Forget about “protecting the caucus.”
Focus on the truth. No, not your truth, the truth. Because that is where we must start — and end — our own internal reflection on this issue.
In a few hours, we’ll release the next article. That article will contain the “evidence” that we believe exists that makes us question if the Republican Party of Iowa is waving the white flag of surrender on these LGBTQ issues.
If you agree with us, that the GOP should continue to stand for the traditional family and against the radical agenda of the Left, we encourage you to read that article.
We believe that article will lay out pretty clearly that many folks who are supposed to be leading the Republican Party are instead letting down the Republican Party — as well as the future of our state and country.
It is said that families are the foundation of society. That strong families are the building blocks of strong communities, and strong communities build strong nations.
America is indeed a strong nation, but many strong nations have come and gone before. We have no reason to believe we can be an exception to the historical rule that families are indeed the foundation of society. And that strong families lead to strong nations.