It’s Census Day! We are writing to you today to ask for your help in ensuring you and your fellow Iowans are counted in the 2020 Census. Getting an accurate count of every resident across Iowa is important for all of us.
April 1, 2020 is designated as Census Day. It’s not a deadline, but a key date in the process. The census equals money for states, cities and communities. More than $675 billion in federal funds will be distributed to the states each year of the next decade, supporting all types of government services. This includes infrastructure, healthcare, social welfare and education.
Census data will be used to redraw district lines to determine representation at the federal, state and local level. Businesses use census data to decide where to locate new facilities.
Governor Reynolds’ goal is for Iowa to be the top state in the country in census participation. If we achieve that, it will mean more federal funding for our state and new opportunities to help Iowa prosper through the next decade and beyond.
How can you help? Let people in your area know that responding is crucial, and it’s easier than ever to participate. For the first time, people can respond online, by paper or over the phone. Visit for more information.
Thank you for your time and help in making sure #IowaCounts!