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Pella High School Principal Adam Beckel sent out an email on Monday letting parents know he hopes their student(s) had a wonderful first day of school…and some details regarding PE class and a transgender student.

“Some of (the students) may have informed you that they have a transgender classmate in their PE class who has undergone gender reassignment surgery,” the email states. “This student has opted to use the male locker rooms. We want all students to feel comfortable. If this makes your student uncomfortable, please know that he has options as well:

*Utilizing the visitor men’s locker room;

*Changing in a private stall;

*Changing in another restroom.

“Our PE teachers know the options and want to support all students in this process. Thank you for taking the time to read this message and please connect with me if you have any questions.”

Pella, of course, was the site of a big controversy during the summer due to a biological teenaged female using the male facilities and not wearing a top at the public pool.


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