Secretary of State Mike Pompeo endorsed State Senator Zach Nunn for Iowa’s Third Congressional District on Friday.
Speaking about his endorsement, Secretary Mike Pompeo said, “It’s never been more critical to support strong, conservative candidates, and now more than ever we need more veterans in Congress. I am proud to endorse Zach Nunn for Congress – he’s an Air Force combat veteran and a state senator with a track record of success. He always put service before self, and that’s a rare quality, desperately needed in Washington, D.C. I will do everything I can to support Zach so that together, we can take back a Republican majority in the House and retire Nancy Pelosi.”
“I am incredibly honored to have Secretary Mike Pompeo’s endorsement,” said State Senator Zach Nunn. “As a veteran, Congressman, former director of the CIA and U.S. Secretary of State, Mike is a strong, conservative leader, who knows what it takes to put Americans and our interests first. His endorsement is critically important as we fight to take back the U.S. House from far-left liberals like Cindy Axne who caused tax hikes, inflation and a national security crisis at our border.”