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Join the Movement | 10 AM – 1 PM | Rotunda

EVERY life is precious! Join the Iowa Coalition of Pro-Life Leaders at the Iowa State Capitol to help save babies, help mothers and Iowa families in crisis, discover the fatal flaws surrounding physician-assisted suicide, celebrate the future, and become a LIFE advocate!

Fatal Flaws Film Showing | 10 AM – 11:30 AM | Room 103

Fatal Flaws is a powerful documentary exposing the dangers and ethical concerns of euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide, highlighting the value of every human life and the risks these practices pose to vulnerable individuals.

Prayer Rally for Life | 12 PM – 1 PM | Rotunda

Invited Prayer Rally for Life Speakers: Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds, Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird, and pro-life legislators. Exhibitors from various pro-life organizations will be present to provide information and resources to support life advocacy efforts.

Lobby Your Legislators | 1 PM and beyond

Encourage, pray for, and work to influence your legislators to support pro-life legislation!


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