“The well-organized mob in Portland has become increasingly aggressive, especially against law enforcement officers,” Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany told reporters during a press briefing this morning.
“Individuals have thrown bricks, chunks of concrete, glass bottles, feces, balloons filled with paint, pigs’ feet, slingshots to hurl ball bearings, and batteries at Federal agents and the courthouse. Multiple attempts to barricade officers in the Hatfield Courthouse have occurred.” The violence has raged on for more than 50 days.
🎬 Press Secretary: Democrats continue to put politics above peace
In response, President Trump deployed federal officers to Portland to protect Federal Government property. He has also repeatedly offered support to state and city leaders to help quell the violence on their streets.
“By any objective standard, the violence, chaos, and anarchy in Portland is unacceptable,” McEnany said. “Yet, Democrats continue to put politics above peace, while this President seeks to restore law and order.”
Portland isn’t alone—in large cities across the country, local leaders are standing down in a failed attempt to placate violent rioters and mobs. Ten people were killed and 60 more wounded in shootings across Chicago this past weekend alone. In New York City, 205 shootings last month marked the most violent June for the city in 24 years.
The pattern is clear. When city leaders turn their backs on policing, our most vulnerable communities pay the price. “Stopping or discouraging the cops from disproportionately policing these neighborhoods isn’t a blow for justice. It’s an obstacle for upstanding, low-income citizens who are trying to lead decent lives,” Rich Lowry wrote on Sunday for the National Review.
“People who live in the affected communities know this and, to their credit, often say it. But their voices don’t get the megaphone of anti-police agitators.”
President Trump will not stand by as American citizens are terrorized by rioters or criminals in any of our cities. In Portland, Democrat leaders complained when the President sent in federal officers to protect federal property. But if mayors and governors refuse to do their jobs to restore peace and safety, President Trump will.
“We’re not going to let this happen in our country,” he told reporters yesterday in the Oval Office. “We’re going to have more federal law enforcement.”
President Trump: For 51 days, they were ripping down that city
🎬 Watch: The police are restricted from doing anything
PRESS SECRETARY: The violence in Portland must end
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