During the COVID-19 pandemic, as we had daily reports on the activity of the virus here in Iowa, I wondered aloud how different things might be in regards to the abortion issue if we did the same.
Just the other day we flew flags at half-staff in Iowa because of the 500,000 American deaths due to COVID.
Tragic. Sad. But it pales in comparison to the 62 million babies we’ve aborted since Roe v. Wade.
Senate File 508 will require abortion reporting. It has a subcommittee today.
A physician may submit completed reports once a week, but shall complete reports to the Iowa Department of Public Health for the entire month preceding month no later than 11:59 p.m. on the first day of the subsequent month.
A hospital, medical facility or healthcare provider who provides care to a woman who reports any complication, requires medical treatment or suffers death that the hospital, medical facility or healthcare provider has reason o believe is a primary, secondary or tertiary result of an abortion shall file a written report with IDPH.
While the bill does other things, it also requires IDPH to develop a public dashboard to inform the public on a monthly basis of statewide aggregate data compiled based on the information included in reports submitted by healthcare providers, hospitals and medical facilities under the bill.
The dashboard shall provide statewide aggregate data relating to the number of abortions performed during the prior month, a running total of the number of abortions performed to date in the current calendar year, the type of procedure used to perform the abortion, the gestational age or probable gestational age of the unborn child in weeks, the age of the woman, the race and ethnicity of the woman and the number and type of complications resulting from the abortions performed during the prior month.
If, at any point, the number of reported abortions meets or exceeds 200, the circumstances shall constitute an “abortion pandemic” and IDPH shall issue public service announcements to educate the public regarding the abortion pandemic and alternatives to abortion.
Penalties will also apply for not reporting.
Transparency is a great thing. And it is needed in this area.
No personal information is necessary, the only information necessary is the information the bill asks for.
Iowans don’t just want this bill, they deserve this bill.
We deserve to know how many innocent unborn babies are being killed each month in the name of choice — legally.