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By Suzanne Bowdey
The Washington Stand

For all the talk of “self-reflection,” Democrats have obviously learned nothing from the shellacking they took at the ballot box. In the two weeks since Republicans swept the House, Senate, and White House, the only conclusion the Left seems to have come to is this: they’d rather lose elections than give sanity a single inch.

It shouldn’t take a political scientist to understand that Democrats lost, in large part, for their suffocating promotion of transgenderism. According to Blueprint, a public opinion research institute, nothing — not inflation or even immigration — moved swing voters away from Joe Biden’s party more than this issue. “Kamala Harris is focused more on cultural issues like transgender issues rather than helping the middle class,” they agreed. And yet, even now, party leaders are stubbornly clinging to their unpopular agenda — and using lies to justify it.

One of the biggest came from Biden’s former press secretary, Jen Psaki, who told MSNBC in the election aftermath that Democrats shouldn’t come to the “wrong sweeping conclusions” on things like “transgender rights.” She pointed to Republican messaging that the country is facing a crisis of boys playing in girls’ sports. “These ads,” Psaki argued, “created this false perception that the issues of trans kids playing sports was dominating schools across the country, which is completely false.” If that were actually happening, she said, “it would be worthy of a debate.” But too many Americans are “falling prey to right-wing-propaganda,” the former Biden official insisted. “[I]t’s important not to yield to manufactured panic and to align with the actual facts before making sweeping claims.”

Well, if Psaki is suddenly interested in dealing in facts, here are some: Women have lost 359 first-place finishes to biological men in their sports since SheWon started keeping track. In that same time frame, another 1,055 medals, scholarships, records, or other opportunities have been stolen from girls during this “fake crisis.” And if anyone ought to know that, it’s a former member of the Biden administration — whose president has been sued by more than two dozen states for trying to force boys into every girls’ sport and locker room and shower in the country.

Doreen Denny, senior advisor to Concerned Women for America, was flabbergasted by the falsehoods. “Jen Psaki displays herself a fool and damages the possibility of real bipartisan progress on this issue by peddling a deception that Democrat trans-activism in women’s sports is having no impact. She lives in the ivory tower of an alternate universe that denies science and the facts on the ground,” she told The Washington Stand. Denny went on to say:

“From coast to coast, female athletes at all levels of sport and across nearly all sports are facing the injustice of trans-identifying men competing in women’s sports. Even the United Nations special rapporteur on violence against women has reported on the crisis of trans-identifying males displacing the achievements of women athletes worldwide.

“In the U.S., the problem is especially acute in leftist states that have not passed laws protecting women’s sports. Even in states with legal protections, women athletes are being compromised by transgender inclusion policies, like the NCAA’s policy, that force them into competition.

“Psaki also displays a pathetic ignorance about safety in sports. The risk of serious injury when a biological male participates in women’s contact sports, at any age, increases dramatically. We’ve seen this with career-ending concussions in volleyball. This is why high school and college teams are forfeiting volleyball matches against teams from California this season.”

Denny was referring to the dominos falling in the Mountain West Conference, where players from at least six universities have sued to stop trans-identifying Blaire Fleming from competing at San Jose State. “The NCAA, Mountain West Conference and other institutions across the nation have failed to take action, thereby undermining vital protections and putting female athletes at risk. We will continue to defend our female athletes and the integrity of our athletic programs,” Utah Governor Spencer Cox (R), Senate President J. Stuart Adams (R), and House Speaker Mike Schultz (R) said in a joint statement. “Female athletes deserve the right to a safe playing field, fair competition and equal opportunities. By intervening, Utah will send a clear message that these rights are non-negotiable,” they insisted.

In case anyone wonders why these teams are forfeiting, it’s because the overpowering strength of biological men has led to horrific injuries all across the country. From Massachusetts to North Carolina, there are videos of girls being concussedlosing teeth, even being carted off the court with back injuries. One of the victims, Payton McNabb, still suffers from blurred vision, partial paralysis, and memory loss after being violently spiked in the head by a biological boy.

And still, Psaki maintains “there isn’t evidence that these kids are a threat to safety or fairness.” America’s girls are being overtaken in swimmingfield hockeytrack and fieldvolleyballbasketballdance, and cross country thanks to extremists like this, who wrongly believe we can just ignore the differences between men and women for “inclusion’s sake.” In the process, the coaches, teams, and parents who are standing up for these girls’ privacy and opportunity are being firedsuspended, and banned from play by woke schools and officials.

Just last week, another high school team had to withdraw from their final match of the season in California when the volleyball coach learned the other team had a trans-identifying player. “Unfortunately, we were just informed that our opponent, San Francisco Waldorf, has a male athlete playing for their team,” Stone Ridge Christian administrator Julie Fagundes wrote in a message to families. “So after consulting with our students, coaches, and staff, we have made the difficult decision to forfeit Saturday’s game,” the school said. “Standing for biblical truth means more than the outcome of a game.”

It’s a sad but true reality: “They are sacrificing our daughters for an ideology that denies truth and reality,” former NCAA committee member William Bock warned. How can we characterize this agenda, he asked, except as “discrimination against women.”

Americans from all walks of life agree. “Exit polling sponsored by Concerned Women for America found that on the question, ‘Donald Trump’s opposition to transgender boys and men playing girls and women’s sports and of transgender boys and men using girls and women’s bathrooms,’ a decisive 70% of exit poll participants said it was an important issue for them when selecting their vote,” Denny explained. “This is why Jen Psaki loses all credibility as a spin doctor, and why Democrats lost the White House.”

And they’ll keep losing — elections and credibility — if they don’t wake up and heed the message voters just sent them.

Originally published at The Washington Stand!


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