In a press release issued last month, the University of Iowa announced that their College of Liberal Arts and Sciences is proposing creating a School of Social and Cultural Analysis that would combine several departments and programs in the areas of African American Studies; American Studies; Gender, Women’s, and Sexuality Studies; Jewish Studies; Latina/o/x Studies; and Native American and Indigenous Studies. Due to this, the college plans on closing the departments of American Studies and Gender, Women’s, and Sexuality Studies, as well as majors in American Studies and Social Justice, which have less than 60 students combined, to create a new major in Social and Cultural Analysis. If approved by the Board of Regents, the new School of Social and Cultural Analysis would go into effect July 1, 2025, the same as the new School of Earth, Environment, and Sustainability.
Initially the decision to close the Gender, Women’s and Sexuality Studies Department was met with applause. But, when it was revealed that the university was simply moving the department to a new school and a new name, the celebration turned to skepticism.
In a recent letter sent to the Board of Regents by Myself and Senator Lynn Evans, it states:
“A little over a month ago, Iowans celebrated when the University of Iowa announced the closure of the University’s Gender Studies Department, and the elimination of majors such as those in ‘Social Justice.’
However, instead of truly ridding the University of these ideologically driven programs, the University is now proposing to combine many of those radical programs into an entire school – the School of “Social and Cultural Analysis.”
This proposal should be rejected.
Iowans expect our institutions of higher education to be focused on providing for the workforce needs of the state, not programs that are focused on peddling ideological agendas.”
May as well name it “anti successful society studies” or “anti white man studies.”