Republican Rep. Steve Holt told a story about 40-80 students in Harlan who went to parents and said they were done wearing masks.
“Some of these parents tried to talk their kids out of it,” Holt said. “Nonetheless, they went to the school in Harlan, in my district, the school district, you know, did the best they can.”
Holt said he went to listen to the parents.
“There’s a lot of folks out there, whether we like it or not, whether you like it or not, who don’t believe that masks work,” Holt said. “And they don’t want masks on their children’s faces because they believe it is harmful to their development. They believe it is harmful and they want to be able to make that decision. The Constitution exists to restrict government, not to restrict people as Ronald Reagan pointed out to us.
“What this amendment is doing, is exactly what government is supposed to do We’re not restricting people, we’re restricting government from mandating through schools or whatever, what I believe is a deeply personal decision that ought to be made by parents. We’re a free people living in a republic. So how about strong recommendations from the CDC, strong recommendations from government and allow free people, and parents, to make the decision that they believe is best for themselves, their families and their children. If we believe the vaccines work, if we believe that masks work, then fine, get the vaccine, wear the mask and don’t worry about what other people are doing. You be you and you let them be them. This is about freedom. This is about liberty. In my district alone numerous parents have had enough.
“And now, since this began, I have received hundreds, perhaps thousands of emails, texts and Facebook messages on this issue from people who are absolutely, and I’m telling you, there’s lots of them out there, they’re sick and tired of mandates of masks on their children. they’re sick and tired of mandates of masks on themselves. So, make no mistake about it, lots of people believe that this should be a deeply personal choice and that is what this is about — appropriate use of government power.”