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Every Iowa kid deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.

This week, the House Majority Party approved a bill that discriminates against and prevents transgender girls from participating in girls’ sports in middle school, high school, and college.

Transgender kids deserve the same chances to learn those life lessons and build a sense of belonging with their peers. It is harmful to the mental health of these kids.

According to The Trevor Project, 52% of all transgender and nonbinary young people in the U.S. seriously contemplated suicide in 2020.

There has been no documented evidence that transgender girls have impacted the fairness of sports in Iowa. House File 2416 specifies that cisgender (a person whose gender identity matches the gender they were assigned at birth) female athletes are the only ones allowed to participate in a team, sport, or athletic event designated for girls.

Local schools across the state, in partnership with the high school athletic associations, have already created policies that protect transgender youth and ensure a level playing field for all students, and those guidelines are working. Banning transgender youth from participating in sports undermines those efforts.

This piece of legislation sends an unwelcoming message to the nation. Companies, including Apple, have spoken out in opposition to this discriminatory legislation.

The bill now goes to the Senate for consideration.

Author: Todd Prichard


  1. If sports is such a concern, then perhaps there should be a league for “transgender” girls and another for the “boys”. But to insist that the boy be allowed to compete against the girls is in fact discrimination against the girls. The canard that “there is no evidence… ” is a flat out lie and ignores science. It doesn’t matter what dysphoria is entertained by the person, it is a fact of biology that their bodies does not match what they would like to believe they are. This is why so many contemplate suicide, because they are mentally at war within themselves. They need help to accept the reality of their sex they were born with. Furthermore, it is child abuse to indulge these confused children with their delusion, let alone actually facilitate hormone treatments and surgery. These children are fearfully and wonderfully made by the Creator and the Dr Frankenstein alterations will never allow them to be as functional as that of nature. Stop the abuse of our children.

  2. How about protecting GIRLS sports? If they aren’t a GIRL (dna proof) then they don’t play in Girls sports. Athletes training their butts off to compete and to just let someone of the other sex jump in and make it all for nothing is not ok.
    Suicide rates have nothing to do with sports, Transgenders, before, after and during transition have high rate of suicide due to the mental condition that causes the gender confusion to begin with. Don’t use that as a guilt tactic for people MOST people who just want a fair playing field. To put that on girls is an evil guilt tactic to push left agenda and make it unfair for any competition.


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