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As I write this week, we are preparing for Memorial Day, celebrating Graduates, and working to safely begin some summer activities.  I have been thinking about how different each of those events look this year…

I know everyone is doing their best to honor those we remember for their selfless service on Memorial Day.  There won’t be parades, but most of the flags are still going up.  There won’t be public gatherings with speeches, but I know there will be virtual events we can each engage in.  I’ve given numerous Memorial Day addresses around the district,  and attended even more in my years of public service.  I will certainly miss doing that this year. Yet, for so many people, the creativity and thought on how to properly remember our fallen heroes has unleashed a greater consciousness about the importance of doing so.  I believe each of us will find our way, perhaps with our family or small group of friends, to commemorate this interruption of our traditions and maybe do even better than in previous years.

It has been so impressive to watch our graduates of every age as they celebrate completion of one stage of their lives and move on to the next.  This was not what they planned, but our schools, businesses and communities have stepped up to make sure their memories of this graduation are great ones.  This will be part of their history and part of their future.  Take some time to watch some of the videos that have been made, drop a note to a special graduate, participate in a drive-by or virtual event to honor them.  Whether it’s graduation from pre-school, high school, or a PhD program; I am rooting for you and wish you the very best!

As I was thinking about it all, I was reminded that I had lots of plans for this year…how to wrap up these years of service.  I had planned to do many “drop-by’s” to thank so many people who have helped me in one way or another.  I looked forward to seeing you all at my final parades (even had the candy ready) and the community events around the district.  Now many are canceled.   We all had plans that have been interrupted on a large or small scale.  I have been thinking of ways to celebrate Memorial Day, and thinking of the Graduates who have lost that moment of closure yet still celebrate in so many ways.

During this time of safely and responsibly reopening Iowa, contact me for questions at  [email protected].  Also, continue to check the Department of Public Health Website (coronavirus.iowa.gov) for information and guidance as we work together to get health care, dental care, and yes – HAIR care up and running.  The Department has posted some great charts that create a good picture of where we are.  We are all learning how to safely be together.  We need creativity and new ideas to give people the confidence they are looking for moving forward.  Thank you to all of the wonderful people providing services we count on…from health care to the young man who helped me with my groceries.  We need you and we need to continue to respect each other as we weather this change from our normal routines.  Have a great week, get some sun, and enjoy the sunsets!

Author: Linda Upmeyer


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