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The Governor’s Education Savings Account bill is getting a lot of attention around the state. As the new Chairman of the House Education Committee, I have certainly received an enormous amount of emails from Iowans weighing in on this issue.
With that said, this bill really comes down to this: do we, as a state, want to fund parents and students, or do we want to fund systems?
It’s really simple. Empower parents to ensure their child gets the best education they can, in the best educational setting for them. Each wonderful student in Iowa, each made in the image of God, should have access to the best setting that fits their unique educational needs. No one should be prohibited based on their income or zip code.
A lot of the fear and hysteria I see is not based in reality. The objections I see center around schools losing kids or schools losing money. While, at the same time, those same folks argue that their public school is great. It does not make sense. Why would parents want to leave a school that fits their educational needs? They wouldn’t. But, if they are not happy in their current educational setting, they should not be forced to stay there. That is not in the best interest of the parent, student, or the state. This is not a public vs. private school issue. It is simply a parental empowerment issue. Children do not belong to the state, rather, they belong to their parents.
Governor Reynolds is right to put parents and students first, and I am proud and happy to support her with my vote.