The Republican primary in Iowa Senate District 3 didn’t take long to get testy.
Lynn Evans filed an objection to Anthony LaBruna’s candidacy, calling into question LaBruna’s state residency. The objection states LaBruna has not been a legal resident of Iowa for one year as required by state law.
“Over the last few years, Iowa Republicans have fought hard to make sure our elections are conducted with the highest level of integrity,” Evans said. “The law doesn’t prohibit a person from moving into a senate district purely for political motives but it does lay out certain requirements in order to put your name on the ballot. One of those requirements is Iowa residency for a year. The state has a responsibility to its people to ensure that these requirements have been met without questions.”
LaBruna responded by calling the claim a “cheap and baseless remark” in an attempt to “disparage my dedication and commitment.”
“I have demonstrated this while working in the Fourth Congressional District under Congressman Steve King,” LaBruna said. “Additionally, defending Iowans on various issues in the State House for over three years. I have made more of an impact in our communities in six years than Lynn Evans has in his career as a superintendent.”
LaBruna took the opportunity to call into question the character of Evans.
“This is a personal vendetta, a third-rate political stunt to simply take the choice away from voters,” he said. “He knows he can’t defeat me on the issues, so he is trying to win off fabricated lies.”
LaBruna labeled Evans a “career bureaucrat” who has managed “our communities decline for the past 30 years.”
“I represent the true conservative values that our party and constituents want,” LaBruna said. “Unlike Evans, I don’t flip-flop on issues to appeal to voters. I am going down to Des Moines to be a fighter on behalf of our community, not for the title of state senator or to improve my social standing. This is Evans’ chance to retire and receive a fat pension.”
Evans said LaBruna is a native of California who attended Iowa State prior to moving to D.C.
“As recently as September he was residing in Florida,” Evans said. “Iowans deserve to be represented by Iowans and the bottom line is Mr. LaBruna has zero ties to Senate District 3 and very little ties to Iowa in general. As a native and long-time resident of this district, I feel a responsibility to guarantee that all candidates for elected office meet state requirements.”
Should the state determine LaBruna meets residency requirements, Evans said he’ll welcome him to the campaign trail.
“Serving in the Iowa Senate is a job that should be taken very seriously,” Evans said. “It takes a deep understanding of your district and the people you represent. That knowledge can’t be absorbed by simply moving into the area to run for office.”
LaBruna has solid commitment to Iowans and solid experience working for conservatives in Iowa. He has concrete ideas on what to do for the people of Iowa and our communities AND how to implement them. More than I’ve heard from any current candidates. Evans must feel very threatened to come out punching on fabricated issues rather than talking about real issues that affect Iowans’ businesses, education of our students, freedoms, farms, and taxpayer monies, for starters. Let’s see a live, in-person debate on REAL issues between LaBruna and Evans.