Democrat voters are literally having the “blues” when they think about voting for Joe Biden this November. With less than 100 days out, the Biden camp is scrambling, and reports of low enthusiasm from Biden supporters have made their way into the mainstream media. We already knew how bad of a candidate Biden was, but the fact that his own supporters “aren’t exactly hyped up” to vote for him is the icing on the cake.
The enthusiasm gap is so alarming that a whopping two-thirds of Biden supporters said they feel “frustrated” about the upcoming election. Moreover, when you look at different demographics across the U.S., Black and Latino Americans are also less than enthusiastic about Biden’s candidacy.
Simply put, Democrats are worried as enthusiasm is key to turning out voters on Election Day. Democrat strategists are so concerned that they have launched a new super PAC to help close the “the nagging enthusiasm gap.” Even the CEO of the PAC expressedthat “Biden’s enthusiasm gap could be a vulnerability.“
Meanwhile, President Trump’s supporters are more enthusiastic than ever about reelecting the President. Reports from the Associated Press, CBS and The Hill all confirm that the President’s supporters are much more excited than Joe Biden’s. The gap is most pronounced in Sun Belt states like Arizona, Texas, and Florida.
Bottom line: While Americans are fired up to re-elect President Trump, Simply put, Biden’s supporters are not excited about him at all.