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On Monday, Representative Chip Roy (TX-21) took a stand against an attempted judicial power grab that would put states at a disadvantage against unconstitutional federal actions in court.

The Judicial Conference, the supervisory body of the federal court system, is attempting to engage in a thinly veiled, ideological power grab intended to hamstring states’ ability to fight back against the federal government in court by prohibiting single-judge divisions from hearing certain cases.

“It appears that your committee is upset that certain litigants that do not check the correct ideological box are filing lawsuits in single-judge divisions and finding success,” Representative Roy warned Judge Robin Rosenberg, Chair of the Judicial Conference’s Advisory Committee on Civil Rules.

Currently, states can file injunctions in certain federal courts against federal overreach in single judge districts where they have a likelihood of success instead of taking their chances with a randomly assigned judge.

“As a member of the House Judiciary Committee, I will do everything in my power to block any Administrative Office of the Courts priority until it stops this misguided attack,”CongressmanRoy concluded.

At the same time as this attempt to end run Congress, Roy pointed outs, the courts are asking legislators to approve and fund more judgeships.

“If your committee does not appreciate the legal and separation-of-powers issues at play, I hope it will at least recognize the political issues,” Representative Roy explained. “The courts cannot reasonably expect Congress to approve a significant number of additional judges while undermining congressional authority. The administration of the lower courts and funding of the judiciary are both issues within Congress’s control. If you don’t hold up your end of the bargain, don’t ask us to hold up ours.”

Read the full letter here.

Author: Press Release


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