RPI: Biden hides because he doesn’t want Iowans to know the truth

Republican Party of Iowa Chairman Jeff Kaufmann released the following statement on presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s virtual Iowa appearance:

“Like Theresa Greenfield, Joe Biden rarely leaves his basement, and the only way for Iowans to see him is to pay for access. Biden continues hiding because he doesn’t want Iowans to know the truth: He is a career politician who has been a Washington insider for almost 50 years — and he has nothing but failed policies and missed opportunities to show for it. Now, he’s embracing a radical, far-left agenda that would raise taxes on Iowa families and implement burdensome regulations that would destroy our farms and decimate the ethanol industry. Biden’s out-of-touch agenda would leave those of us in America’s heartland behind.

“Before he was even sworn in, Democrats like Joe Biden have done nothing but resist and obstruct President Trump at every turn. Their disgusting schemes and witch hunts have all been in the name of politics. Iowans are tired of these Swamp tactics from the Biden-Schumer-Pelosi machine, and they will choose the president and his record of results over D.C. gridlock every time.”

Author: Press Release


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