Black Lives Matter, backed by the mainstream media, turns every confrontation between a police officer and any minority – American citizen or illegal immigrant – into a racial issue. If a black or Hispanic suspect is killed, no matter the circumstances, it is considered conclusive proof that officers are hunting them down. That is a lie. With rare exceptions, officers are reacting responsibly to the danger they face in the inner cities of our country.
On June 3rd in Minneapolis, the U.S. Marshal’s Fugitive Task Force attempted to execute an arrest warrant on 32-year-old Winston Boogie Smith, a convicted felon wanted for unlawful possession of a firearm. Smith fired on the officers. They returned fire, and he was killed. Instead of thanking those brave officers, their lawful police response was followed by rioting, looting and violence that very night.
However, when innocent young children are murdered while sleeping in their beds, playing in their yards or sitting in a car with their parents, the silence of Black Lives Matter, so-called community leaders and the national media is deafening. Since January 2020, over 100 innocent children have been murdered by street thugs. There is no media outcry no BLM or community protests. They all ignore the national scandal of senseless violence against these innocent children.
The incident pictured above happened one week ago in the Bronx in broad daylight. Notice the young children cowering in the gunman’s field of fire – an unconscionable circumstance for children to endure. They are literally dodging bullets in the war zones of America’s inner cities. The very people who claim to be so concerned are doing nothing.
On May 17, six-year-old Aniya Allen was shot in a gang crossfire in Minneapolis as she and her mother were returning home after shopping and swimming. She died two days later.
STAND is sending out an SOS – Save Our Seed – the children of our nation’s future. This is part of our Awakening Hearts and Minds Project to draw attention to this long-neglected scandal. Help us get the word out and make this an issue that the media can’t ignore! Please make the most generous donation you can to help draw attention to the senseless murder of these babies!
Once again, this proves that racism is not the issue. The problem stifling black progress is family breakdown and fatherhood abandonment, which produces young men who do not value their own lives or anyone else’s, including innocent children.
Many of the children who somehow survive the violence end up orphaned because criminals take the lives of their parents.
What you see in the picture above is gunmen who, having dragged a woman and her boyfriend from their car and brutally beat them, then execute them in broad daylight. Because of a minor traffic incident, these thugs murdered two parents as their children watched.
This violence has got to stop. The only way to stop it long-term is for fathers to be in the home to raise their children. This is what it will take to restore the family and bring back respect for authority and human life. Short-term we need more well-trained police officers to take the predators off the streets and make life safe for law-abiding citizens and innocent children.
Your financial gift today will help to draw attention to the plague of murder of the innocents.
On Wednesday, June 30, 10:00 AM ET, we will host a press conference at 707 E. Franklin Street in Richmond (offices of the Family Foundation) to bring public awareness and announce a plan to address this travesty in our cities.
Conference speakers will include two parents who have lost children in this senseless violence, as well as national leaders of STAND. We will explain our plan to address this urgent issue. This is only the beginning of the fight to awaken the minorities to the truth that Black Lives Matter, the mainstream media and their leftist allies could care less about them. If they truly cared, they would be working to create strong families, educational choice and safe streets. Instead, all they do is spread hopelessness and the lie that America is a racist, white supremacist country.
It is time to actually address the issues that are plaguing the streets of our cities. Lock up the criminals and protect innocent children and law-abiding citizens. Your prayers and contributions have gotten this new project started. Help us to continue with the most generous contribution you can make.
Thank you, God bless you and your family and may He bless the United States of America to emerge from these crises a more free and prosperous nation.