Earlier this week The Iowa Standard told its readers about Johnson County sheriff Lonny Pulkrabek and his record on being in favor of sanctuary city/county policies and refusal to issue permits to carry weapons.
An article dated Feb. 25, 2013 by Katherin Timpf on campusreform.org sheds more light on Pulkrabek.
Administrators at the University of Iowa disclosed private information to Pulkrabek regularly on “academic failures and disciplinary issues” for students who applied for permits to purchase or carry weapons.
There were concerns at the time that releasing such information violated student privacy laws. University officials, though, said they believed a waiver signed by gun permit applicants covers the release of such university information.
An article in the Cedar Rapids Gazette said the university had been providing information about students, faculty and staff to the sheriff who applied for gun permits for “quite some time.”
The article states it likely started in 1991 after a campus shooting.
Pulkrabek denied a request to be interviewed by Campus Reform, but he sent them an op-ed published in the Iowa City Press-Citizen.
“As the Sheriff, I do not pretend to be familiar with or an authority on the FERPA guidelines,” he wrote.
Pulkrabek is running against Rep. Bobby Kaufmann (R-Wilton) for a seat in the Iowa House. More information on Kaufmann can be found here.