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“As a lifelong supporter of the Second Amendment, proud gun owner, and combat veteran, I’m adamantly opposed to any infringement on our Constitutional Rights. This bill does not take away the rights of any law-abiding American. Every American wants to keep our kids and our schools safe and provide folks access to mental health treatment, and this proposal helps do that without placing new restrictions on law-abiding gun owners. I have been disgusted by the radical Left’s longstanding attempts to exploit horrific tragedies to pursue their partisan agenda, pushing a false narrative that the only way to stop murderers is to infringe on law-abiding citizens’ rights. They are wrong, and this bill shows that.” – Sen. Joni Ernst
I don’t think you understand “shall not be infringed” means.
SHALL: an imperative, no ifs, ands or buts. The opposite of maybe, if it’s common sense.
NOT BE: don’t think it, don’t do it unless you can get us to ratify a constitutional amendment to the 2A.
INFRINGED: To restrict, block, slow down, make one jump thru hoops, make one pay a fee, get permission, make exceptions, to register/track nor redflag nor try to preempt crime. Even ex-cons trying to go straight retain the right to defend themselves.
It’s that absolutist for a reason because our Founding Fathers were considered criminals by the Redcoats back then and the DOJ and most of Congress considers Patriots of today to be domestic terrorists.
When a crime does happen, follow thru and punish using the Constitutional laws already on the books. That’s how you reduce crime.
As for mental health, there is no reason to link it to gun control. Make Mental Institutions Great Again (MMIGA) and stop them from freely roaming our streets, causing danger to us and ours, with or without guns.
Red flag laws are great way to create angry and dangerous people. We gun owners know we have to avoid trouble to keep our gun rights. With red flag laws anyone can loose their rights over a baseless accusation. Need I remind you that anyone can make a simple sub machine gun, drive a vehicle, make a bomb, etc.