It was disappointing to hear about Iowa Sen. Eric Giddens playing a significant role in an event that happened along the sidewalk as junior high students at a Cedar Falls Public school made their way into the building on Monday.
Giddens, along with his wife Kendra Wohlert, had been handing out donuts and rainbow stickers to students. A parent reported there was also some other sort of flag or sticker that represented something else that had to do with sexuality, but he wasn’t sure what it meant.
The following encounter ensued.
Gay Pride Event At Peet Jr. High School Cedar Falls????!!!
Peet Jr High School in Cedar Falls Iowa allowed "DONUT POP UP" event in front of the school. An event that was pitched as a "welcoming all students" event. However, it was a gay pride event. As children were walking into school, students were slapped with gay pride stickers. The event was organized by Iowa State Senator Eric Giddens and his wife Kendra Wohlert. This event was not announced to parents. and obviously in the video, the event didn't welcome those who disagree.CVPFC is for the protection of all children. Especially from those who promote the LGBTQ agenda to children.
Posted by Cedar Valley Patriots for Christ on Thursday, September 26, 2019
Public schools serve just that — the public. They are funded by taxpayers. Some of those taxpayers embrace homosexuality and transgenderism. For others it violates very basic religious beliefs.
As a former school board member and current Iowa Senator, Giddens should know that. Giddens should know there are some students who aren’t comfortable with the idea that homosexuality and transgenderism are just fine as alternative lifestyles. Those students aren’t allowed to “force” their beliefs upon others, but they should also be respected enough to not have the others’ beliefs forced upon them.
He should know this.
But it doesn’t appear he does.
Or he does and he simply doesn’t care.
After winning the special election for the Iowa Senate seat, Giddens said he wore a purple tie as he took the oath of office for multiple reasons.
“I am a supporter of UNI,” he said. “And it also represents the district that I live in. This is a purple district. I said it during the campaign: I’m here to represent everybody in that district — Democrats, Republicans and no party. For me, this (tie) is a symboled of that.”
An easy line to throw out at a ceremony, but a much more difficult one to walk.
Clearly Giddens is a far-left member of the Democrat Party. He makes no attempts to hide his stances on social media.
And clearly his wife does not either.
Wohlert, who turned herself into a sort of star of the show in the video, was described as the “fearless leader” of the donut day debacle.
She also posted this on her Facebook.
Let’s hope Sen. Giddens learns from this episode. After all, he was the one who vowed to represent everybody in his district.