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Sen. Chuck Grassley criticized the first few weeks of President Joe Biden’s administration during his Capitol Hill Report on Monday.

“The first three weeks are very much centered around everything that can be done by executive order. Most of it is designed to obliterate any changes that the Trump Administration made. And that covers a whole bunch of different areas – immigration, trade, defense, foreign policy and energy. When it comes to legislation, it seems to me that he has digressed greatly from his inaugural speech pleading for unity and most of it is to avoid bipartisanship on the first major piece of legislation that they want – the stimulus bill.

The Iowa Standard followed up by asking Sen. Grassley to share what he has heard is taking place at the border since Biden took office.

“They’re an open border President and we have an open border political party running both the House and Senate. And open border is a bad policy because we’ve got laws on who can come to this country and we welcome at least a million people every year, sometimes more than a million – into our country legally. We want immigrants, but we want them to come legally. All this is doing is encouraging more violation of our laws.”

Grassley was then asked about energy prices and if the Biden Administration is the cause of increasing prices.

“Not right now. These bad policies coming out of the White House on energy in a year or maybe even longer than a year will affect prices on energy very much, but right now it’s because people are very enthusiastic about having a vaccine and the economy is going to improve. People are going to be driving, more people are going to be flying. There is just going to be more business activity and people are getting ready for it. Also, over the last, well, almost a year now because of less driving and also because some oil-producing countries limit on what they’re going to draw out of the ground, it’s just supply and demand increase in price. Most of it is based upon hope for a very dramatic economic turnaround.”

Author: Jacob Hall


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