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Martin Luther King Day on Monday meant the Iowa Legislature was not in session. That allowed several Iowa senators the opportunity to attend the inauguration in D.C. Tuesday was quiet, with a few subcommittees being run and landowners protesting the CO2 pipelines.

Wednesday was very busy all day with committees, subcommittees and constituents. One of the highlights was having the FFA (Future Farmers of America) groups from several schools in my district visit the Capitol. I always enjoy speaking with these kids and learning how they want to use the skills they acquire in FFA. They learn how to be good citizens, as well as understanding the agricultural industry. These students include many of the future leaders of agriculture and industry in our state. It’s good to see the next generation engaged in public service by being informed and active.

I chaired the subcommittee for SF 6, which would require all daycare, schools and colleges to inform parents about exemptions, both medical and religious, to vaccine mandates. Those exemptions have been in place in the past, but many schools chose to avoid informing parents and promoted the idea “no shots, no school.” That is not the law. We had around 20 people show up in support of the bill by telling their stories about being bullied by schools. The only objection was received by email from the Iowa Osteopathic Medical Association. While they had a representative attending the subcommittee, they chose not to speak up after hearing the other side. This bill was passed in the House on the same day and will advance to full committee in both chambers.

I think this reflects the enthusiasm of conservatives after seeing President Trump win re-election and the increase in the Republican majorities in Iowa. There is a lot of energy in the Capitol right now and I hope to see many good things happen this session.

One of those things I hope to see advance is SSB 1028. This bill requires the human growth and development instruction in grades 1-12 include instruction related to human development inside the womb, a high-definition ultrasound video showing the presence of the brain, heart, and other vital organs in early fetal development, and a high-quality, computer generated rendering or animation that depicts the humanity of the unborn child by showing prenatal human development, starting at fertilization. SSB 1028 also passed out of subcommittee on Thursday.

I have submitted bills to promote medical freedom and limit the use of eminent domain to projects of true public benefit. I support a bill being introduced by Senator Salmon that would limit the Governor’s emergency powers to 60 days without the legislature’s authorization of an extension.

Quote for the week:
A life of challenge is more satisfying than a life of regrets.

Author: Dennis Guth


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