The 2021 legislative session started on Monday amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. I am incredibly grateful to serve our district at the Statehouse. However, I am deeply concerned to report that the Statehouse is currently an unsafe place to work and visit. The FBI issued a warning that all 50 U.S. capitols are terrorist targets as we near the Presidential Inauguration, and Senate Republicans have refused to put adequate safety measures in place to prevent gun violence and the spread of COVID-19.
Senate Democrats had proposed a number of safety recommendations to Republican leadership prior to the start of the legislative session. Unfortunately, even the most basic recommendations were not accepted, including requiring face masks, social distancing, and COVID-19 reporting/contact tracing.
Statehouse Republicans’ failure to protect Iowans is alarming. Lawmakers and staff members in other states have died from lax safety measures. Iowa shouldn’t make the same mistake. To push for a safer Iowa Statehouse, please email Senate Republican Leaders:
- Senate Majority Leader Jack Whitver: [email protected]
- Senate President Jake Chapman: [email protected]
- Senate President Pro-Tem Brad Zaun: [email protected]