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Republican State Sen. Tom Shipley answered the questions The Iowa Standard sent regarding the Pella Aquatic Center situation. Here are the questions, and his responses, unedited:

1. What are your thoughts on this situation involving the Pella Aquatic Center?

My thoughts are that this kind of behavior is beyond words. Perhaps the most disgusting part of this is there are people out there who think this is OK.

2. Should individuals, minors included, be allowed to wear swimwear based on their gender identity rather than body parts?

There are places that are by design set up for people who choose to not wear swimwear for whatever their reason. Outside of those venues, people need to wear what is needed to keep from acting like a pornstar.

3. Do you support removing sexual orientation and gender identity from the Iowa Civil Rights code?

It would appear that part of the Code needs a deep look. Those that will howl the most have brought it on themselves.


Rep. Salmon responds to TIS legislative questionnaire on Pella pool incident, policy

Rep. Wills responds to TIS legislative questionnaire on Pella pool incident, policy

Sen. Green: Republicans must clean up Leftists’ ‘moral mess’ on variety of issues, including gender identity and sexual orientation being in civil rights code

Author: Tom Shipley


  1. “Acting like a pornstar”. Sounds like Carlin needs to check his facts, assumptions, and shaming. Don’t support anyone who pushes exclusion policy and doesn’t act in favor of treating all humans with dignity and respect regardless of their opinions. What an uneducated, non-Christian approach.


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