Find video links to each subcommittee here.
8:30 a.m.
SF 402: A bill for an act prohibiting the state or a political subdivision of the state from entering into contracts with, or providing tax incentives or any other benefits to, certain companies that censor online content, and including effective date and applicability provisions.
10 a.m.
SSB 1082: A bill for an act relating to older individuals and dependent adults and creating certain criminal offenses and civil actions, and providing penalties.
SSB 1202: A bill for an act relating to requirements for licensees under the purview of the dental board relating to orthodontia services.
SF 219: A bill for an act relating to the maximum amount of property taxes due or rent constituting property taxes paid that may be considered in calculating the elderly and disabled property tax credit or rent reimbursement and including applicability provisions.
10:30 a.m.
SF 305: A bill for an act providing for a human trafficking task force and an annual report to the general assembly.
SF 346: A bill for an act relating to various matters under the purview of the insurance division of the department of commerce, providing fees, making an appropriation, and resolving inconsistencies.
11 a.m.
HF 488: A bill for an act relating to health-related data including hospital data and certain information included in reportable disease reports.
HF 391: A bill for an act relating to controlled substances and precursor substances, including amending the controlled substance and precursor substances schedules and including effective date provisions.
11:30 a.m.
SF 303: A bill for an act relating to electronic transactions by permitting the use of distributed ledger technology and smart contracts.
12:30 p.m.
SF 328: A bill for an act relating to licensed health care providers for purposes of state law regarding concussion and brain injury policies for extracurricular interscholastic activities.
1 p.m.
SSB 1192: A bill for an act relating to online learning and continuous remote learning, and allowing certain school districts or accredited nonpublic schools to deliver coursework using an online learning platform for up to five school days when inclement weather causes schools to temporarily close.
SF 309: A bill for an act relating to confidential information maintained by local government officials for certain veteran and military property tax credits and exemptions.
1:30 p.m.
SSB 1208: A bill for an act relating to the financing of the construction or repair of equipment or facilities used to provide telecommunications services.
2 p.m.
SF 111: A bill for an act providing for the reinstatement of parental rights of a former parent under certain circumstances.
2:30 p.m.
SF 299: A bill for an act relating to judicial actions and records by authorizing assistance by a small claims filing agent and modifying provisions relating to accessing protected information in court records.
4 p.m.
SJR 10: A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa relating to the rights of a crime victim.
4:30 p.m.
HF 368: A bill for an act relating to the administration of the reimbursement for rent constituting property taxes paid and related matters and including effective date provisions.