SENATE SHOWDOWNS: Bill calling for Convention of States for federal term limits in Tuesday subcommittee

Video links to each subcommittee are available here.

8:30 a.m.

SF 452: A bill for an act establishing a learning recovery task force.

10 a.m.

SSB 1226: A bill for an act relating to the possession of marijuana, and providing penalties.

HF 357: A bill for an act relating to massage therapy, including licenses to practice massage therapy and reports of child and dependent adult abuse.

10:30 a.m.

SSB 1231: A bill for an act providing for a statement of professional recognition for licensed behavior analysts by the board of educational examiners and including effective date provisions.

11 a.m.

SSB 1234: A bill for an act relating to the emergency detention of a person experiencing a mental health or substance use crisis and access centers.
SF 497: A bill for an act relating to law enforcement and certain criminal offenses, and providing penalties.
11:30 a.m.
SJR 12: A joint resolution calling for an Article V convention in order to propose amendments to the Constitution of the United States that impose fiscal restraints, limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and impose limits on the number of terms that a person may serve in Congress, and requesting Congress to similarly propose such amendments.
12 p.m.
SSB 1223: A bill for an act relating to assisted reproduction fraud, and providing penalties.
12:30 p.m.
SJR 11: A joint resolution requesting the call of a convention for the purpose of proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States limiting the number of terms of office that may be served by federal legislators.
1 p.m.
SSB 1238: A bill for an act relating to tort liability, including employer liability in civil actions involving commercial motor vehicles and arising from an employee’s negligence, punitive or exemplary damages, and noneconomic damages available against owners or operators of commercial motor vehicles.
SSB 1232: A bill for an act relating to the acquisition and possession of weapons and providing penalties.
SF 445: A bill for an act relating to the practice of interior design, providing penalties, and including effective date provisions.
1:30 p.m.
SCR 5: A concurrent resolution encouraging the United States Congress to provide flexibility to the states in determining visitation practices in nursing facilities.
SF 405: A bill for an act relating to the frequency of meetings of a committee created to establish the minimum rate to be earned on state funds placed in time deposits.
2 p.m.
SF 175: A bill for an act relating to the use of moneys in the Iowa economic emergency fund, and including effective date provisions.
4 p.m.
SSB 1221: A bill for an act increasing the maximum gross weight allowed for commercial motor vehicles operating on noninterstate highways.


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