Visit this website to find video links to each subcommittee.
8:30 a.m.
SSB 1195: A bill for an act limiting local legislation that prohibits the operation of an animal enterprise or the use of a working animal
SSB 1190: A bill for an act relating to standards for data security, and investigations and notifications of cybersecurity events, for certain licensees under the jurisdiction of the commissioner of insurance, making penalties applicable, and including effective date provisions.
9:30 a.m.
SF 369: A bill for an act relating to the established season for hunting game birds on a preserve, and making penalties applicable.
10 a.m.
SF 375: A bill for an act relating to the revocation of certain privileges upon conviction of a littering offense, and making penalties applicable.
SSB 1201: A bill for an act removing a preference for purchasing of Iowa coal by state and local government entities.
SF 11: A bill for an act relating to regional representation and residency requirements for members of the state transportation commission, and including effective date and applicability provisions.
11 a.m.
SSB 1213: A bill for an act relating to violations of the educational laws of Iowa by providing for grounds for professional misconduct and removal from office, and including effective date and retroactive applicability provisions.
HF 301: A bill for an act establishing a child care workforce state matching grants program and fund administered by the early childhood Iowa state board to award matching state grants to eligible communities and making an appropriation.
11:30 a.m.
SSB 1210: A bill for an act relating to tort liability, including employer liability in actions arising from an employee’s negligence, punitive or exemplary damages, and noneconomic damages available against operators of motor vehicles.
12 p.m.
SF 427: A bill for an act relating to deer population management, and including effective date and retroactive applicability provisions.
1 p.m.
HF 302: A bill for an act establishing a graduated eligibility phase-out program for state child care assistance.
1:30 p.m.
SF 378: A bill for an act relating to the requirements for authorized electronic monitoring in nursing facilities, and providing penalties.