Live video links to each subcommittee can be found here.
8 a.m.
HF 309: A bill for an act restricting public agency disclosure of and access to certain personal information related to tax-exempt organizations, and providing penalties.
8:30 a.m.
HF 364: A bill for an act relating to prohibited conduct by athlete agents and making penalties applicable.
10 a.m.
HF 551: A bill for an act relating to authorized methods of take for a resident hunting deer using a license issued to a nonambulatory person.
11:30 a.m.
HF 313: A bill for an act prohibiting counties or cities from imposing restrictions on certain businesses operated by persons under the age of eighteen, and including effective date provisions.
12 p.m.
SF 295: A bill for an act relating to affordable housing, disaster housing assistance, and redevelopment tax credits by creating an Iowa housing tax credit program, modifying distribution of real estate transfer taxes, modifying workforce housing tax incentives, including a downtown loan guarantee program, creating a disaster housing recovery assistance program and an eviction prevention program, providing for a fee, and including effective date and applicability provisions.
12:30 p.m.
HF 532: A bill for an act establishing a qualified instruction funding supplement for the school budget year beginning July 1, 2020, making appropriations, and including effective date provisions.
1 p.m.
HF 684: A bill for an act relating to consent to a hysterectomy.
HF 523: A bill for an act designating certain county flood mitigation activities as an essential county purpose.
2 p.m.
SSB 1248: A bill for an act exempting from the individual income tax all pay received from the federal government for certain military service in support of the national guard and including retroactive applicability provisions.