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The following subcommittees are scheduled for the Iowa Senate on Thursday, Jan. 16:
9:30 a.m. – SF 42 – RM 217 –A bill for an act modifying the costs eligible for emergency medical services fund expenditures, and including effective date provisions. Senators Mark Lofgren (R), Mike Klimesh (R) and Zach Wahls (D).
11:30 a.m. – SF 7 – Senate Lounge – A bill for an act relating to fishing privileges of disabled veterans, and making penalties applicable. Senators Kevin Alons (R), Mike Pike (R) and Thomas Townsend (D).
11:45 a.m. – SF 10 – RM 217 -A bill for an act relating to special landowner turkey hunting licenses. Senators Tom Shipley (R), Rocky De Witt (R) and Sarah Trone Garriott (D).