Sioux Center High School teaching students white supremacy has been ‘norm’ since America’s founding

Sioux Center is an extraordinarily conservative area in Northwest Iowa. It may be one of the most conservative areas in the country.

But the systemic indoctrination of the education system knows no boundaries.

Samuel Martin, a professor at Northwestern College, is also serving as a “guest teacher” at Sioux Center High School for black history month.

Parents are fuming at what Martin is telling their children.

“Rather than teaching ACTUAL black history, Mr. Martin is telling students ‘because you’re white, you are automatically involved in white supremacy.’ Critical Race Theory comes to NW Iowa.”

There was a packet of information provided to freshmen. It is for English 1 and called “New Terms and Definitions.”

Right away, students are presented with the word “norm.”

“A NORM is something that is usual, typical or standard. Also a standard or pattern, especially of social behavior, that is typical or expected of a group.

“E.g. ‘White Supremacy has been the norm in America since its founding.'”

Other “norms” that the class has discussed: social norms, gender norms and racial norms.

The students are learning about “cultural appropriation.”

“The unacknowledged or inappropriate adoption of the customs, practices, ideas, etc. of one people or society by members of another (typically more dominant) people or society.

“E.g. ‘His dreadlocks were widely criticized as another example of cultural appropriation.'”

And they’re learning about “black power.”

“A revolutionary movement that occurred in the 1960s and 1970s. It emphasized racial pride, economic empowerment, and the creation of political and cultural institutions.”

And they’re learning about “self-determination,” but the example given is “black self-determination.”

“The process by which a country determines its own statehood and forms its own allegiances and government. Also, the process by which a person (or people) controls their own life.

“E.g. ‘Black self-determination: the efforts by black people to secure self-determination for black people and black communities. Connected to black power and efforts to secure economic empowerment and the creation of political and cultural institutions by and for black people.'”

Other words include:

Black joy: “centering on black joy is not about dismissing or creating an alternative black narrative that ignores the realities of our collective pain; rather, it is about holding the pain and injustices we experience as black folks around the world in tension with the joy we experience in the pain’s midst. Black joy is healing, resistance and regeneration. The two, joy and pain, are not mutually exclusive, and often we need the latter to get through the former.” (Kleaver Cruz at The Black Youth Project)

Structural racism: “Johnson defined systemic racism, also called structural racism or institutional racism, as ‘systems and structures that have procedures or processes that disadvantages African Americans.” (N’dea Yancey-Bragg, What is systemic racism? Here’s what it means and how you can help dismantle it)

White Supremacy: “When I say ‘white supremacy,’ I’m not just talking about Nazis or white power activists, and I’m definitely not saying that all white people are racist. What I’m referring to is a system of structural advantage that favors white people over others in social, economic and political arenas.” (Barundle Thurston, How to Deconstruct Racism One Headline at a Time)

Racist ideas: “A racist idea is any idea that suggests something is wrong or right, superior or inferior, better or worse about a racial group. […] Racist ideas cause people to look at an innocent black face and see a criminal. (Ibram X. Kendi, Stamped: Racism, Antiracism and You)


Antiracist ideas: “An antiracist idea is any idea that suggests that racial groups are equals.”

Antiracists: “The antiracists say there is nothing wrong or right about black people and everything wrong with racism. The antiracists say racism is the problem in need of changing, not black people. The antiracists try to transform racism. The assimilationists try to transform black people. The segregationists try to get away from black people.”

Author: Jacob Hall


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