Yesterday we told you about Sam Martin, a Northwestern College professor who is teaching at Sioux Center High School. Martin is teaching students that, among other things, white supremacy has been the “norm” in America since its founding.
Martin is student teaching at Sioux Center this semester in the high school building. Gary McEldowney, the Sioux Center superintendent, said being a professor does not necessarily provide Iowa licensure.
Martin is working towards being a certified teacher.
The Iowa Standard asked who decides what materials are used in this situation — specifically telling students white supremacy has been the norm since America’s founding.
We have not received a response.
Martin doesn’t appear to hide his liberal leanings at all — at least not on his social media. Here you can find Martin retweeting the following:
“‘Back the Blue’ Senators voted to acquit the former president after they helped incite a white supremacist insurrection that left police officers dead. It was never about ‘Blue Lives’ mattering. It was just about making sure black lives don’t.”
Martin also retweeted a post about not letting “the joy” of watching President Donald J. Trump leave take away from the “joy” of welcoming a First Lady who is a doctor, cares about education and taught English at a community college.
“We have one of us in there now,” it said.
Martin shared a quote from MLK as well. In it, “the white moderate” is the great stumbling block for “Negro’s” rather than the White Citizen’s Counciler or the KKK.
Martin also shared a story about the Jan. 6 protest at the Capitol. He highlighted a line that said:
“American nostalgia often threatens black and brown freedom.”
Martin retweeted advocacy of not giving book deals to “fascists” during a time Republicans like Josh Hawley and even President Trump himself were being essentially censored.
You can see more of Martin’s tweets and retweets below:
This is who is “educating” children.