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Last week the Iowa House of Representatives passed a bill that prohibits sex-change treatments and surgeries on minors here in Iowa. After every Republican in the Iowa Senate supported the measure, five House Republicans voted against the bill and another said he accidentally voted yes when he intended to vote no.

These six Republicans support sex-change treatments and surgeries on minors in Iowa. A few of them were either no votes on Education Savings Accounts or extremely reluctant yes votes on ESAs. Ironically, they tried to argue that if we’re going to be consistent about parents’ rights, then parents must have the right to change their child’s sex.

Here are the sex-change-on-kids six supporting Republicans:

Rep. Chad Ingels

Rep. Chad Ingels represents House District 68, which includes Oelwein, Dunkerton, Jesup, Raymond, Fayette, West Union and other communities. Ingels said on the floor that it was “disappointing” Republicans were passing the legislation to protect kids from the radical sex-change treatments and surgeries.



Rep. Megan Jones

Rep. Megan Jones represents House District 6, which includes Storm Lake, Spencer, Newell, Sioux Rapids, Albert City, Marathon and other communities. Jones tried to kill the bill with an amendment that would have allowed parents to change the sex of their children under a twisted view of “parental rights” and “parental choice.”



Rep. Brian Lohse

Rep. Brian Lohse represents House District 45, which includes Polk City, Alleman, Elkhart, Bondurant, Runnells, Carlisle and other communities. Lohse made these comments on the floor of the Iowa House during debate on the issue.



Rep. Shannon Latham

Rep. Shannon Latham represents House District 55, which includes Webster City, Hampton, Sheffield, Alexander, Kamrar, Williams, Story City and other communities.




Rep. Hans Wilz

Rep. Hans Wilz represents House District 25, which includes Ottumwa and some neighboring communities. Wilz was the only Republican freshman to vote against the bill protecting children from sex-change treatments and surgeries.



Rep. Michael Bergan represents House District 63, which includes Decorah, Jackson Junction, Clemont and other communities. Bergan said he “inadvertently” voted yes but intended to vote against it. Meaning instead of voting to protect children from dangerous sex-change treatments and surgeries, Bergan meant to vote in support of continuing the experimental, often irreversible sex-change treatments and surgeries.

Earlier this session the Republican Party of Iowa put out a statement regarding the passage of Education Savings Accounts. We sent the following message to the Republican Party of Iowa and will publish an update if it provides a statement on the passage of SF 538 along with any thoughts on the six sex-change-on-kids supporting Republican members of the Iowa House:

Good afternoon. I wondered if the Republican Party of Iowa had a statement regarding the passage of SF 538 to protect kids in Iowa from sex-change treatments & surgeries. Also if they have any statement regarding the five House Republicans who voted against it or the other House Republican who intended to vote against it but accidentally voted in support. Thanks!


  1. These people are showing their very true, vibrant, ugly colors. These Republicans do not represent Iowans interests and morals and principles. Have they read our platform? I am praying for those that will primary Megan Jones and any of the others that will be up for re-election.


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