Here are the Heritage Action rankings by state congressional delegation among just Republicans in the U.S. House and U.S. Senate:
(States in bold have an all-Republican congressional delegation)
Maine – 17% (1 member)
Alaska – 39% (only 2 members)
South Dakota – 46% (only 3 members)
Iowa – 52.33% (6 members)
Arkansas – 54.83% (6 members)
North Dakota – 58% (3 members)
Oregon – 58.5% (2 members)
Nebraska – 60.8% (5 members)
Mississippi – 62.4% (5 members)
New York – 62.6% (10 members)
Kentucky – 62.86% (7 members)
Louisiana – 63.29% (7 members)
California – 63.33% (12 members)
West Virginia – 63.67% (3 members)
Pennsylvania – 63.88% (8 members)
Oklahoma – 64.57% (7 members)
North Carolina – 65.11% (9 members)
Utah – 65.83% (6 members)
Washington – 66.5% (2 members)
Nevada – 68% (1 members)
Ohio – 69.64% (11 members)
Michigan – 69.67% (6 members)
Indiana – 71.22% (9 members)
Kansas – 72% (5 members)
New Jersey – 73% (3 members)
Idaho – 74% (4 members)
Alabama – 74.75% (8 members)
Texas – 76.52% (27 members)
Georgia – 78.33% (9 members)
Wisconsin – 78.5% (6 members)
Florida – 78.67% (22 members)
Missouri – 79% (8 members)
Minnesota – 79.25% (4 members)
Colorado – 79.67% (3 members)
Virginia – 79.8% (5 members)
Montana – 82.67% (3 members)
South Carolina – 82.87% (8 members)
Arizona – 83.67% (6 members)
Tennessee – 87.2% (10 members)
Illinois – 88.67% (3 members)
Wyoming – 91.33% (3 members)
Maryland – 96% (1 member)
Sure, all of these Iowa RINOs are bad, but Senator Susan Collins of Maine is evil, too. This RINO voted against Trumpcare in 2017, the American Healthcare Act. with Trump’s Age-Based tax credits to purchase Individual Insurance. Now, Anthem Blue Cross, eight years later, is charging part-time Portland City workers over $1,600 monthly to insure their families!
I wrote this today on Gateway Pundit. I didn’t say Creston, Iowa; teachers pay $1,678 monthly to insure one child because I didn’t want Iowa to look that stupid.
Senator Collins (R-ME) votes for Obamacare, and now Portland, Maine City part-time employees are paying $382 weekly for Anthem Blue Cross Family insurance! That is $1,655 monthly. Full-time employees are paying $853 per month. Here is proof on page 12
Trumpcare by Allstate for a 29-year-old couple with three children in Portland zip code 04101 is $430 monthly with a ZERO deductible and a 3-year Rate Lock! Why are full-time employees paying over double and part-time employees paying FOUR TIMES MORE?
Trump’s Age-Based Tax Credits of $2,000 per person in the 2017 American Healthcare Act would provide this family with four people X $2,000 = $8,000 Trumpcare Family Tax Credit to buy insurance. Trump would pay 100% of this family’s Annual Premium (AP) of $5,160 with a $2,840 UNUSED Tax Credit that Trump deposits into the family’s HSA at the bank at $236 monthly!
Susan Collins and BRIETBART were against Trump’s Tax Credits in 2017! Trump would pay 100% of this Portland family’s premiums AND deposit $236 monthly in their tax-free HSA at the bank! The Gateway Pundit would be slow, but it’s TIME they did a story about Republican Healthcare Reform from Milton Friedman from 1992. Tax credits for insurance purchases, and Milton called tax-free HSAs Medical IRAs because the first HSA wasn’t enrolled or invented yet.
Instead, the Gateway Pundent NEVER does a story on Republican Reform, so Anthem Blue Cross, the world’s 3rd Largest insurance company, is RAPING Maine taxpayers, employees, and the Federal Treasury, which loses 40% of the REDICULOUS $37,000 Annual Premiums (AP) because Employer Insurance is deductible for Income Tax (24%) and Payroll tax of (15.3%) or 40%! It costs the treasury $37,000 X 40% = $14,800 Annual Federal Tax Loss! The smaller $8,000 Trumpcare Tax Credit saves the treasury $6,800! Of course, Anthem loses $37,000 Annually! Susan loves Anthem more than Maine families! (Why does Susan want part-time workers paying $1,655 monthly?)
The media & the politicians won’t tell you about Trumpcare; we will at
The government has no business interfering in the insurance market. It’s been a “Rob Peter to pay Paul” arrangement since Social Security began and has only gotten worse with Medicare, Medicaid and Obamacare. The age old problem is a two-edged sword with greed/fear on the one side and lust for power over other people on the other. We need a New! & Improved! Declaration of Independence. It’s up to We, the People to Make America Great Again/Make America Healthy Again. Let us remember, “with God all things are possible.” Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD. Psalm 150:6 KJV
The government has no business interfering in the insurance market. It’s been a “Rob Peter to pay Paul” arrangement since Social Security began and has only gotten worse with Medicare, Medicaid and Obamacare. The age old problem is a two-edged sword with greed/fear on the one side and lust for power over other people on the other. We need a New! & Improved! Declaration of Independence. It’s up to We, the People to Make America Great Again/Make America Healthy Again. Let us remember, “with God all things are possible.” Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD. Psalm 150:6 KJV
The government has no business interfering in the insurance market. It’s been a “Rob Peter to pay Paul” arrangement since Social Security began and has only gotten worse with Medicare, Medicaid and Obamacare. The age old problem is a two-edged sword with greed/fear on the one side and lust for power over other people on the other. We need a New! & Improved! Declaration of Independence. It’s up to We, the People to Make America Great Again/Make America Healthy Again. Let us remember, “with God all things are possible.” Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD. Psalm 150:6 KJV
The government has no business interfering in the insurance market. It’s been a “Rob Peter to pay Paul” arrangement since Social Security began and has only gotten worse with Medicare, Medicaid and Obamacare. The age old problem is a two-edged sword with greed/fear on the one side and lust for power over other people on the other. We need a New! & Improved! Declaration of Independence. It’s up to We, the People to Make America Great Again/Make America Healthy Again. Let us remember, “with God all things are possible.” Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD. Psalm 150:6 KJV