We heard back from a few other Republican state legislators about the passing of conservative radio icon Rush Limbaugh.
State Sen. Brad Zaun expressed his thoughts:
“I am just sick to think of life without Rush Limbaugh. In Iowa, we as conservatives would not be where we are today without his voice and advocacy. I will never forget when I met my wife Dede and she was wearing a Rush Limbaugh for President shirt. From that point on it was love at first sight!
“My thoughts and prayers to the Limbaugh family!”
State Rep. Sandy Salmon said:
“I’m very saddened to hear of Rush’s passing. Speaking with clear, insightful and persuasive insight, he has been a strong, leading voice for conservatives for decades. Indeed he set the industry standard for conservative talk radio! I remember first hearing about him years ago when my farmer dad would relate with great joy and enthusiasm the latest wisdom he gained from hearing Rush on the radio while working in his fields on his tractor: ‘He says just what I’m thinking!'”
State Rep. Ray Sorensen said:
“Rush was a legend and pioneer in talk radio and conservative thought. He encouraged us all to think for ourselves and had an amazing way translating complex ideas and movements into laymen’s terms.”
State Rep. David Kerr said:
“I can remember when he first came on WHO radio. I wasn’t sure about him and his views. But, it didn’t take very long until I realized that ‘talent on loan from God’ was true.”