In response to the Supreme Court’s landmark decision in West Virginia v. EPA, Congresswoman Lauren Boebert issued the following statement:
“Our government of the people, by the people, for the people is meant to be led by the people’s elected Representatives, not unaccountable bureaucrats. Congress never gave the EPA the power to dictate the minutia of how energy producers should produce energy for every power plant across the country. It was wrong for Obama and his agency minions to attempt to usurp Congress’ power to begin with, and I am grateful that the Supreme Court returned power to the people and restored the separation of powers.
“Good riddance to the EPA’s Green New Deal-like executive mandates. We are facing the most pressing energy crisis since Jimmy Carter, yet the Biden regime is more focused on shutting down American energy production than delivering reliable, affordable energy to keep the lights on and gas prices low. Climate ideologues are out-of-touch with the American people, and I am grateful that their war on coal was found unconstitutional. The Supreme Court again made the right decision and courageously defended the Constitution’s separation of powers. Executive agencies have the power to enforce the law, not make it.”