Governor Reynolds has come out on the side of the CO2 pipelines, 3 of them now, trying to criss-cross Iowa on thousands of acres of farm land. Iowans have submitted such massive amounts of formal objections that the Iowa Utilities Board told me their staff can’t keep up and are posting objections in “batches” instead of individually. Even many Supervisor Boards or individual Supervisors have also filed formal objections.
Representative Bobby Kaufmann was crafting a bill to protect property rights on the pipeline yet then all of a sudden did an about-face and wrote “rushing eminent domain changes through the legislature this year would send the “wrong message” to businesses and to the landowners who’ve already signed easements for carbon pipelines and landowners still considering contracts.” Funny, almost every single landowner I have heard of does not want this pipeline.
Obviously, he, our Governor, the Iowa Utilities Board members the Governor appoints and ex-Governor Branstad do not question the idea of eminent domain being used for subsidy-driven private projects that only exist because of the false narrative of Climate Change. They also think it will help ethanol to be more competitive in a Leftist market.
Is there anyone else out there who believes that the government has the right to force a sale of what belongs to private citizens for either business or Climate Change?? Stop and think about it. This is madness.
This pipeline also supports through Bill 45Q that private citizens pick up the full tab to build these pipelines. There is no money to be made by buying the rights to and digging up thousands of acres of farmland, liquefying CO2 then pumping it hundreds of miles in order to dump it in the ground. All profits have to come from subsidies or increasing the cost of ethanol.
Subsidies take from the people who can not afford to “invest” in government projects. Subsidies are eroding our economy and “buying” easements over farm ground that will never go away. Why would companies buy land if they can use government funds and might to buy the right to use the land?
The Republican National Committee sent me a plea for funds the other day, even being so bold as to say they are now working with President Trump. Trump called Climate Change a hoax yet Iowa’s entire economic plan from wind turbines, solar panels, electric vehicles, large scale batteries, CRP, carbon capture credits for farmers, carbon capture for ethanol and even biodiesel is all based on the lie that we need to “save the planet”.
Again, either our Republican lawmakers are gullible or culpable. Which is it? Are they making decisions and policy based on what the people want or are they under pressure from a hidden hand? Thousands of men and women lost their lives to secure our rights yet our lawmakers don’t even have the courage to protect those same rights. No, our GOP lawmakers stand up and boldly proclaim that they, the government, have the right to take what is ours and charge us to accomplish it. I am sure Biden is proud. Maybe he will speak his approval of them to power brokers like Warren Buffet, George Soros and Bill Gates so our lawmakers can keep their jobs.
I agree
Thank you Jenna
There is already a Railroad infrastructure into every Ethanal plant in Iowa. There are already 29,000 rail tank cars available for Liquefied C02 shipments. If transporting C02 to Illinois were a good idea, why don’t we do it NOW with what we available. Anyone else remember the Obama plan to build an electric power transmission line from Iowa wind farms to Chicago? Every acre of corn absorbs 8 tons of carbon dioxide. Not only should our school district employees be drug tested, so should the con-con artists that came up with this plan…