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Joe Biden and his posse have plans to make it hard for the unvaccinated. Come get me, Comrade Biden. I am not vaccinated and I refuse to get vaccinated. Up until this point our entire family has received all of our vaccines. Not this. The more you push it the less I want it.

Yes, I would rather get sick and die if succumbing to the jab was my only other option. Thank God that those are not my only options no matter what you believe. See, I do not have to change what I think, what I choose based on your beliefs. Not even God forces people to change based on the Law. He offers everyone a choice.

I choose to trust in God for my health and well-being. A week or so ago my 8-year-old daughter had an ear infection. We laid hands and prayed for healing then we took her to the doctor. The doctor gave her medicine and she was cured. Did God heal her or did the medicine heal her? Both. God created the doctor, his knowledge and the medicine. The only difference is in where our faith lies. Obviously, we have faith for the doctor and his medicine and do not yet have faith for laying-on-of-hands healing. We want faith for laying-on-of-hands healing so we begin there.

James 5:14-16 reads, “Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.  And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.”

How can I fear viruses or man when I put my trust in The Living God? I feel sorry for those that are capitulating to the tyranny of the Biden regime. I also wait with bated breath for the fist of the Lord to come crashing down on this unlawful, false administration. God is using Biden to wake His people and we are rising up as a mighty army. Stand up and be counted. He takes what the enemy meant for evil and He turns it for good. It is inspiring!

Author: Janna Swanson

Janna Swanson helps her husband Paul farm in NW Iowa with their two young daughters. Since 2013 Janna has volunteered her time and energy for her community. She was a key member of the Preservation of Rural Iowa Alliance that protected landowners from the Rock Island Clean Line. From there she helped start and facilitated the grassroots group, The Coalition for Rural Property Rights to help protect community members from industrial wind installations. She is also a board member of National Wind Watch, a 25-year online collection of information of the industrial wind opposition from around the world. Most importantly Janna is a follower of Christ and seeks to help others to know and understand Him. Yet because she is also seeking deepening her own knowledge and understanding she welcomes critical, constructive debate. No one has the corner on truth, we all see “through a glass, darkly”. (I Corinthians 13:12)

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Janna Swanson
Janna Swanson helps her husband Paul farm in NW Iowa with their two young daughters. Since 2013 Janna has volunteered her time and energy for her community. She was a key member of the Preservation of Rural Iowa Alliance that protected landowners from the Rock Island Clean Line. From there she helped start and facilitated the grassroots group, The Coalition for Rural Property Rights to help protect community members from industrial wind installations. She is also a board member of National Wind Watch, a 25-year online collection of information of the industrial wind opposition from around the world. Most importantly Janna is a follower of Christ and seeks to help others to know and understand Him. Yet because she is also seeking deepening her own knowledge and understanding she welcomes critical, constructive debate. No one has the corner on truth, we all see “through a glass, darkly”. (I Corinthians 13:12)


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