I see that Iowa is going full steam ahead on their Climate Change Agenda with Governor Reynold’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board. Are Iowans to make money off of a lie?
Last week I went down a rabbit hole of Evangelical Christians who support the Climate Change agenda. Wow! One man told me he wants to help sequester carbon in response to “Love thy Neighbor” and figures that what could be more loving than helping the planet not die? He argued that this is the stewardship of our planet that we were called to.
If you believe the Bible, I can prove that thought process is not of God.
Who is in control of our climate: man or God? Over and over again in the Old Testament we see God using climate as judgment. He flooded the entire world in response to widespread evil. He used fire and brimstone raining from the sky to destroy unrepentant evil cities. Among the plagues on Egypt’s Pharaoh, He brought hail and darkened the sun. In First Kings 17-19 we read that the prophet Elijah prayed and there was a drought for 3 ½ years while the people prayed to their false god Baal. When Elijah once again prayed for rain and it rained the people’s hearts turned towards the Living God. In Luke 8:23-25 we see Jesus rebuke a storm, it obeys Him and abates.
Some believe that Climate Change is a judgment for our sin of “overconsumption”. Can you find that idea written anywhere in the Bible? People are judged for not obeying God, nothing else. Everything we have God made and we should thank Him for it. He gives us technology and raw materials. We are the ones that choose to use what He gives not as a blessing but as ways to deny Him further.
In our technologically advanced time, we believe that we can understand how the Earth works, we believe that we can change the weather. Humans try to control the weather like with endeavors like HAARP, High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. Think of the great power and control that would come from controlling the weather. Of course, humans are going to try to attain that control.
Saving the Earth was not on Jesus’s agenda. He was sent to save the people. To save their souls. We are not our bodies any more than this earth is our eternal destination. At some point our bodies will return to the earth and rot. Our souls will stand at the throne of God for Judgment Day.
Isaiah 51:6 tells us, “Lift up your eyes to the heavens, and look at the earth below; for the heavens will vanish like smoke, the earth will wear out like a garment, and its people will die like gnats. But My salvation will last forever, and My righteousness will never fail.” Matthew 24:35 Jesus says, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away.” Jesus is the ultimate Underground Railroad to freedom as we step off of this Earth. We are not to cling to it! James 4:4 says, “Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.”
A frightening description of God’s wrath being poured out on the Earth is written in Revelation 16. His angels pour out seven “bowls” of wrath. The first bowl is “loathsome sores” on those who accept the mark of the Beast, the second bowl is that the seas turn to blood and all the animals in it die, with the third bowl the rivers and springs will turn to blood, the fourth bowl allows the sun to scorch mankind, the fifth bowl brings darkness and pain, the sixth bowl will dry up the river Euphrates to make way for the “Kings of the East” to make war at Armageddon. The seventh bowl will bring “a great earthquake, such a mighty and great earthquake as had not occurred since men were on the earth.”
This Earth is in its final days. Do not be a person that is running around trying to tidy up what God intends to destroy. God has promised us a new heaven and a new Earth in Revelation 21. That jaw-dropping fantastic hope is for the Bride of Christ, for those people whose lives are hidden in Him, those whose names are written in the Book of Life.
Governor Reynolds, you say you trust in God yet you endeavor to intertwine Iowa’s economy in a lie. The people who will give Iowa money or introduce policy to fight Climate Change are lost. They need the Truth, not to be exploited. You may feel like you owe Iowans a living but you don’t. The government should not try to be a god. Its only purpose is to uphold God’s law.
In this world we are diligent in our search for power, money, education, a mate, ease or entertainment. It would be wiser to be diligent in our search for Truth.