Senator Grassley, what you call an “unhealthy” concern with who is President is actually of great concern for millions and millions of the people you are hired to serve that believe they have lost their freedom, lost their country.
We no longer trust our leaders, trust our elections or the news media. President Trump brought peace to the Middle East and was nominated 4 times for the Nobel Peace Price for it. Now our allies are being attacked while Biden yells at them to “keep it down” from the living room. Biden turned around almost every single Republican policy. He is the Anti-Trump.
That Trump did not win outright was a blessing or we may not have known how far we had fallen.
You on the other hand being right in the center of it should have known. You should have given us the warnings that Trump did but no, you have sat on your hands and told us “nothing to see here”, “move along”. I think you know that our elections have been a sham for some time.
I hope this coming year that Iowans show you the door. You are the epitome of a career politician that has lost touch with the people. Iowans should vote for only the candidates Trump endorses.
Yes, I still have faith that the election will be shown to be fraud. I also have faith that the Iowans who voted for Trump will remember that you did less than nothing to stop it. As a Senator you of all people should realize the weight of the situation yet you scold us like you rule us.
I want to be represented, not ruled.