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Could the unity of the church save us politically? The other night I heard a pastor talk about the church putting away their petty differences and uniting into a force. John 13:35 says, “By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” So why is it that the church is so divided? Why can’t we get along?
I believe it is because we try to unite in the flesh and not in the Spirit. Most churches I have been to have a strong spirit of religion over them that stifles any move of God’s Holy Spirit.
Religion is about “being good”, “being nice” and certainly of not causing any waves. Jesus called many of the religious leaders of the day “… whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean.” or “Woe to you Pharisees! For you love the best seats in the synagogues and greetings in the marketplaces. Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like graves which are not seen, and the men who walk over them are not aware of them.” The Pharisees, Scribes and lawyers were the ones who were educated, the ones that could read and knew the scriptures inside and out yet for all their higher learning they had missed what God was saying. When Jesus stood before them, they did not recognize Him.
We are there again. A wave of the Holy Spirit is building. The Godhead includes the Father God, Jesus the Son and the mysterious Holy Spirit. In the first Era, God the Father manifested through manna in the desert, collapsing the walls of Jericho, pillars of fire and fiery prophets. Then came the show-stopping presence of Jesus with the Era of the Church. The Church stepped out in Power, healing the sick, raising the dead and walking in love, in unity. Over the years man diluted the Word in the Church until we only see the Power when people seek Him diligently. The mainstream denounced the Power and chose institutional, religious church. The Era we have stepped into now is the Era of the Holy Spirit and I do not think the institutional church will survive it.
The institutional church is comfortable, it does not have need of the Spirit. Yet without the Spirit, the god of this world will shred it. I, for one, will cheer. Even the world hates the institutional church. That is why these recent generations have abandoned it.
The move of the Spirit starts in the bottom of your throat where it feels like something in your chest is growing, trying to break free. The move of the Spirit is in that longing for something satisfying, something real. It is like being hungry, being thirsty and not being able to find anything on this Earth that can dampen your distress. In my mind I see young and old people wandering the streets, searching the internet for something, something and they don’t even know what. They try drugs, sex, gambling, gaming or activism trying to feel real, to feel comfortable in their own skin yet they know they are dying, screaming even as they walk silently.
When those people finally hear the Gospel, understand the full true Gospel they go off like rockets. Their heads tip back, their mouths open up to pour out a deafening roar. They are fearless and full of the Life, the Truth, the Joy of God. It is that Fire that unites people. It is that Fire that will save us, it is the only thing that can. The Fire will cure disease, raise the dead and set people free from addictions, free from demonic oppression. The Fire will change their minds, protect their spirits in God for all eternity.
Kim Clement prophesied in 2007 that Trump would go into office as a normal believer in Christ and then again he would go into the office shouting in the power of the Spirit, that Trump would become a trumpet. I haven’t seen that in Trump yet. I want to see that Trump. I want to see Trump as God’s trumpet.
Yet just like the cry of the Spirit starts down inside a person so will the shout of the Spirit start deep in the masses of the People. Nothing can stop it. As the world presses in, trying to take our breath, the Spirit will rise straight up through the People as the Mighty Wind that will sound that Trumpet. The blast of the Power of God will be heard all around the world.
Saying so may not be “nice” but I do pray for the world, the church to be shaken so hard in the flesh that the only thing left to grab onto is the Spirit of God. Come Holy Spirit, awaken us. Prepare your Bride.