Liberty Counsel Action Chairman Mat Staver is warning of a new “unCivil War” following the Dobbs decision released last week.
“As millions celebrate the demise of Roe v. Wade, the fight over abortion has intensified in Congress and the states,” Staver wrote. “Sen. Chuck Schumer is pushing a plan to enshrine abortion as the law of the land. The Senate is just two votes away from dissolving the filibuster and passing federal abortion mandates.”
Staver said the only way to describe what is taking place in Congress is like a pressure cooker that intensifies every moment, with the Senators inside.
On Tuesday, 14 Republicans announced a resolution thanking the Supreme Court for the Dobbs ruling. At the same time, three abortion bills remain in limbo in the Senate that could pass at any time forcing states to allow abortions. Some of those bills have 48 cosponsors.
Of particular concern is the Women’s Health Protection Act, which Staver said is “emphatically more radical” than Roe v. Wade. The bill will erase state or federal laws and mandates dealing with:
*informed consent
*waiting periods
*ultrasound requirements
*admitting privileges mandates for abortionists to provide continuing care to a mother after a botched abortion
*parental involvement (notification and consent)
It will also open the door to chemical abortions via Skype or Zoom, ban any “prohibition or restriction on a particular abortion procedure” prior to “fetal viability.” This would permit partial birth abortion where the baby is pulled out breech with only the head in the uterus while the base of the skull is punctured and brains sucked out.
Meanwhile the Chicago mayor addressed group following an attempted assassination of a Supreme Court Justice and shouted “Fu*k Clarence Thomas.” Whoopi Goldberg warned Thomas he better hope “they don’t come for you.” Hillary Clinton called Thomas a “person of grievance” with “anger” and “resentment.”
One of these days, States need to find the guts to claim their right to exercise their 10th Amendment right to nullify the overreach of the federal beyond their enumerated powers. It’s simple, just do it. Don’t cede the high ground to a rogue Congress