The Truth & Freedom Foundation and Republicans for Conservative Values are hosting Carter Page, Ph.D., on Thursday, June 24 for a dinner at Anthony’s Steak House in Omaha. There will also be special messages from Sam Clovis, Chris Baker and Dr. Mark Christian.
There is a VIP reception scheduled for 5:45-6:30 p.m. with dinner at 6:30 and the program beginning at 7 p.m.
The dinner costs $35 per person or $60 per couple. The dinner & VIP reception is $50 per person or $85 per couple.
Page is the founder and managing partner of Global Energy Capital. He is a former foreign-policy adviser to Donald Trump during the 2016 campaign. He was the focus of a 2017 Special Counsel investigation into links between Trump associates and Russian officials as well as Russian interference in the 2016 election. In 2019, the Department of Justice determined the last two of four FISA warrants to surveil Page were invalid.
Page has since sued the DOJ, FBI and former FBI director James Comey for $75 million over “unlawful surveillance.”
The name of the event is “What Happened to Me Could Happen to You.”
“I think that really is the case,” Page told The Iowa Standard. “We see a lot of that right now where the government invasion of peoples’ lives is becoming much more prominent. It’s an interesting, very timely story and one that has a lot of applications to things we see across our country where the government is taking a much larger role in individuals’ lives. They’re essentially taking over lives as I experienced.”
Page said he could have never believed what happened to America.
“There are so many things, so many core values going back to the founding of our country and the principles upon which our country was based which have just been so terribly damaged and completely disregarded,” Page said. “It’s a combination of two things — one, just breaking the law, and two, basing everything on complete lies.”
Page called himself an “interesting case study” and a “kind of spy thriller” case study in terms of what happened.
He said the government does not fully disclose the entire scope of its criminal activities. There is also a close coalition between the government and big media companies like CNN and MSNBC that push out false narratives.
“Those two working together are a core force which prevents that,” he said. “I’m fighting national battles against the highest level of our government and the political actors which they coalesced around. So it’s a big, ongoing battle that is something that will take quite a long time.”
Page has become stronger from the whole mess and said there are many good lessons to be learned from the situation, which he said is a blatant abuse of power and an example of how an innocent American was framed in an attempted coup against the President.
His First Amendment rights were “complete trampled,” he said.
“I just voiced a view and I just voiced my support for a presidential candidate and some of the things he was advocating and I got punished horrendously for that,” Page said. “It’s been extremely painful not only for myself but all of my friends and my family and anyone associated with me. But, on the other hand, if we give up these principles, then there’s literally nothing left in our country.”
Page’s appearance will be “very rare.” So this opportunity should be taken advantage of.
For more information on the event, visit this link.