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There should be no question in the average person’s mind who the media typically favors when it comes to politics. I am not sure how many incidents it should take to convince anyone of the leftist slant in today’s media, but I am fairly certain any sane, rational person would be willing to admit there’s more than enough.
Democrat candidates benefit from this favoritism in many ways. But one of the advantages often overlooked is the fact Democrats often don’t have to answer the tough questions that should be asked of them.
Every Democrat candidate running for office should be asked about Black Lives Matter, Marxism, Socialism and other issues in great detail.
For instance:
- When do you believe human life begins and deserves the protections granted to it under the constitution?
- If it is ever proven that there is a “gay gene” and it can be detected during pregnancy, would you support a mother’s right to choose if she chose to abort her baby because he or she carried the gay gene?
- Share your views on the idea of American exceptionalism:
- Are reparations for slavery appropriate?
- Do you believe there is value in the traditional, nuclear family?
- Should business owners be allowed to refuse business based on their religious beliefs?
- What does the Second Amendment mean to you?
- Would you ever support the confiscation of any firearm?
- Explain your knowledge when it comes to the official Black Lives Matter organization:
- Do you support demonstrators blocking traffic during protests?
- What percentage of law enforcement do you believe are ‘racist?’
- What is your historical understanding of socialism?
- Do you believe socialism can work in America?
- What would socialism look like in America?
- Are you comfortable with a 40-year old man who thinks he is a woman using the bathroom stall next to your 6-year old granddaughter?
- Do you support efforts to defund or abolish the police?
- Under what circumstances, if any, do you believe the government should be able to close churches?
- Should individuals and parents have the freedom to decide whether an individual receives a vaccine?
- What should the highest tax rate be for individual income in America?
- Do you believe America to be the best country in the history of the world — why or why not?