It was not news to anyone — or should not have been — when President Joe Biden’s administration issued a statement celebrating the 48th anniversary of Roe v. Wade.
In order for that to come as a surprise, one would have to ignore pretty much everything about Biden.
The statement embraced the right to kill unborn babies and criticized the Trump administration for its “relentless and extreme” attacks on the legal killing of unborn babies.
“We strongly urge the president to reject abortion and promote life-affirming aid to women and communities in need,” said Archbishop Joseph Naumann, the head of the U.S. bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities. “It is deeply disturbing and tragic that any president would praise and commit to codifying a Supreme Court ruling that denies unborn children their most basic human and civil right, the right to life under the euphemistic disguise of a health service.”
Is it?
I mean, really, is it?
What is “deeply disturbing and tragic” is the fact that everyone knows this is Biden’s position. He has no issue with killing unborn babies.
What’s worse, America just had its most pro-life president in history — and the Catholic bishops reprimanded him as often as they praised him.
That is deeply disturbing and tragic.
In an article from Aug. 4, 2020, Thomas Reese detailed the Catholic bishops press releases on the Trump administration.
He wrote that in 22 press releases on immigrants and 13 on refugees, the bishops called the administration’s policies “misguided and untenable,” “unacceptable,” “appalling,” “devastating,” “very concerning,” “heartbreaking,” “unlawful and inhumane,” “terrible,” “callous,” “disturbing” and “contrary to American and Christian values.”
The bishops opposed the border wall. They frequently took issue with the administration’s foreign policy.
They offered “much more sympathetic” language on Black Lives Matter than President Trump.
They said the CARES Act was “disappointing” because certain aid and relief was not extended to “undocumented” (they mean illegal) aliens.
Well, in their attempts at being social justice warriors the U.S. Bishops seemingly forgot the No. 1 social injustice of our time — abortion.
And now, because they fail to recognize the atrocity of abortion — the fact that the deaths of 63 million unborn babies should — should — put pretty much all of these other issues in the backseat if not the trunk, America just replaced its most pro-life President in history with a pro-abortion Catholic.
Pick your priorities. Do better.
Much of the progress made towards ending abortion in the last four years will be undone in the next four years.
While there can be arguments made about how people are treated, there is no other people group I know of that is being legally murdered by the millions in America.
Maybe the Conference of Catholic Bishops should think about that the next time they want to attack a pro-life President in some lame attempt to comes across as woke, social justice warriors.
It isn’t only costing them their credibility, it’s costing unborn kids their lives.
And that is deeply disturbing.