Imagine a country where a National School Boards Association got the Justice Department to label parents who speak up at school board meetings “domestic terrorists” and, not only that, the Association even wanted to call out the military on parents who object to school board policies. That country is America today. It warms the cockles of my heart to know that at least twenty-five state chapters have left the National School Boards Association for attacking parents.
Today, I show you more ways it’s possible to fight back against those waging war against parents and win. Suits against schools secretly gender transitioning children without parental knowledge are pending in Wisconsin, Virginia, and Pennsylvania. I’m not aware of any decisions, yet, though. Parents also sued in Pennsylvania over a teacher giving first-graders lessons about gender transitioning and dysphoria. Among other things, the teacher showed the 6-year-old class a video entitled, “Jacob’s New Dress”.
Parents have also filed suit on other theories. Parents in Virginia sued their school district for moral corruption of their children and violation of parental rights. A mother in Virginia sued her school district for alienation of affection, alleging that anti-racism lessons turned her 8th-grade biracial son against her. She can’t even ask him to help clean the house without him calling her a racist. Parents in New Jersey sued over anti-racism lessons, arguing they discriminate against whites and create a hostile educational environment.
People are fighting back in other ways, outside the courtroom. Some are seeking a parental bill rights for their state constitution, although such an effort was recently unsuccessful in Missouri. Also in Missouri, the state Attorney General sent subpoenas to seven school districts over invasive student questionnaires that pry into students’ sexual behavior and – get this – their parents’ political beliefs. A Florida school district fired a teacher for discussing her ’pansexual’ status with 12-year-old students. A Catholic bishop excommunicated a school that refused to stop flying Black Lives Matter and rainbow flags, which are inconsistent with Catholic teachings. Republican lawmakers in Congress have proposed a bill that would allow victims to sue doctors who performed mutilating sex change surgery on them when they were minors. European countries have taken steps to rein in the use of puberty blockers in children.
Some parents upset with school boards have worked to throw the bums out in the next election. The effort was so successful in one Texas county, that 10 out of 11 school board seats are now in the hands of conservatives. A recall election was successful in San Francisco where the new board voted to restore merit-based admissions to an elite high school, throwing out a lottery that was designed to increase diversity at the school.
Another victory was notched in Ohio where a school board canceled Diversity Day after parents complained it was just political indoctrination. The victories don’t end there. A Virginia court ruled ‘Gender Queer’ and another sexually explicit novel are obscene and unsuitable for school libraries. Finally, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis prevailed over textbook publishers who capitulated and removed Woke content like Critical Race Theory from math textbooks.
So, you see, it’s possible to fight back and win. The Left wants you to think you’re crazy, you’re deplorable, you’re in the minority, you’re helpless, and you’re alone. None of these things are true. Now get out there and fight these creeps. Your children are depending on you.
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