WATCH: Inside Biden’s Wasteful Infrastructure Plan

This week, Americans for Prosperity launched a new video showcasing the amount of wasteful spending in President Biden’s so-called “infrastructure” plan.

As I’ve told you in previous emails, this $4 trillion boondoggle would come at a huge cost to American taxpayers. It’s the largest spending proposal in U.S. history, and it would be paid for by raising taxes on American families and businesses. This tax-and-spend approach will hike the cost of everyday goods, kill jobs, and slow the post-COVID economic recovery.

Making matters worse, less than 5 cents of every dollar in this proposal actually goes toward roads and bridges. Plus, the plan would implement the anti-worker PRO Act, give government more control over health care, and push portions of the costly “Green New Deal.”

This is no infrastructure plan – it’s simply a partisan wish list of reckless spending.

If our new video has you ready to take action, I encourage you to tell your lawmakers to vote no on this plan by clicking here.

Say No to Government Takeover of Prescription Drugs
On Tuesday, we launched the next round of an ad campaign urging lawmakers to vote against a misguided bill that would put the federal government in charge of prescription drugs.

H.R. 3 would lead to drug rationing and would stop innovation in the prescription drug industry. This would have a disastrous impact on Americans who depend on these prescriptions each and every day.

Government control of prescriptions has had an awful impact in the European Union and Canada, where citizens have access to far fewer medications than we do in the U.S.

A better solution to address the cost of prescription drugs would be passing a personal option, which would give Americans greater access to quality medications. AFP recently sponsored a poll done by Public Opinion Strategies, one of the top polling firms in the country.  The poll found widespread support for the personal option. Go here to see more on the poll.

To learn more about the personal option proposal itself, which already has the support of nearly 18,000 AFP activists, go here.

How the Infrastructure Plan Would Hurt Farmers
Earlier in this email, I shared AFP’s new video pushing back against the bloated “infrastructure” plan. Now I’d like to share a new blog post we have on how this bill would be particularly damaging for America’s farmers.

As the blog says, farmers are a vital part of the American economy, contributing more than $1 trillion annually to the gross domestic product. Improving roads and bridges would be beneficial to these hardworking folks who were hit hard by the COVID lockdowns.

Unfortunately, the current infrastructure proposal does little-to-nothing to help with improving infrastructure. What it does do is saddle folks them with new taxes while handing out $1 trillion to politically-favored special interests.

This reckless spending spree must stop.


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