I have two quick thoughts that I wanted to express about the United States Supreme Court and the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
The first is relatively simple and awfully easy to say.
Too much power has been granted to the courts. Way too much.
Federalist 78 made it clear that the courts were to be the weakest branch of the government. Without control of money or power of the sword, the courts only had judgement to offer.
Yet here we are years later believing that the “future of our democracy” hinges on one Supreme Court replacement.
The conversation that should happen every time a vacancy on the court opens never does — how can we rein in the courts.
Sure, a powerful judiciary sounds really good to giddy Republicans who see this as an opportunity to make up ground on an unbalanced court.
But a time will come where the shoe is on the other foot and the same Democrats who are doom and gloom today about Ginsburg will be bright and eager for their turn.
Meanwhile we sit helplessly with the fact that nine unelected judges tend to be the most important people in our government.
This isn’t part of my two thoughts — so I’ll call it a bonus — but is now also a bad time to bring up the idea of capping a Supreme Court term? Life expectancy then was much different than it is now.
Also, consider Ginsburg. The poor lady spent decades serving on the bench and couldn’t retire to enjoy the last few years of her life because a Republican was President.
That isn’t fair if we’re being honest.
I don’t know what the right number or approach is. I’m not sure if it’s one 20-year term. If it’s 10-year terms and then retention elections or if it’s just a set age at which a justice must retire.
But this is something we’d benefit from addressing eventually.
Now, there is no real easy way to say this, but I’ll try to be as gentle as possible.
I do not know where Ginsburg ended up in terms of her faith and belief in Jesus Christ, the only way to Heaven. I have no idea if in her final days, hours, minutes she made the decision to repent for her sins and accept Him as her personal Lord and Savior.
I sure hope so.
But there were two phrases that bothered me a bit in statements about Ginsburg’s passing from elected Republicans in Iowa.
Far be it for me to tell someone else how to “grieve” or show honor and respect for Ginsburg, but I’m hoping we can be really real for a little bit.
Ginsburg was a champion for abortion.
Abortion is the intentional killing of an unborn baby. An intentional killing is typically called a murder.
She supported abortion rights throughout her career.
Now, I understand some Democrats may be able to say certain things about Ginsburg and her legacy. But the following came from Republicans.
“She was an iconic figure who blazed a trail for working moms.” – Sen. Joni Ernst
“Justice Ginsburg fought tirelessly for greater justice, equality and opportunity for all people.” – Sen. Charles Grassley
Iconic figure for working moms in that she fought for their right to decide whether to become a mom or abort a baby?
Sen. Grassley’s statement was perhaps the most concerning.
Calling Ginsburg a fighter for “greater justice, equality and opportunity for all people” is actually insulting to pro-life Americans.
How can one who championed abortion rights throughout their career have fought tirelessly for justice, equality and opportunity for ALL people?
If we believe unborn babies are people, and what else could they possibly be, how can we even think such a statement is rational?
There was no justice, no equality and no opportunity given to the millions of unborn babies who were killed during Ginsburg’s tenure on the Court.
To quote the protestors, there was no justice, no peace in the womb offered by Ginsburg.
The time of her passing isn’t the necessary time to call out her flaws. But it also isn’t the time to praise her if it is undeserved.
It seems more appropriate to simply thank her for her years of service and offer prayers for her family.
Serving as a champion for the right to kill unborn babies isn’t honorable. It is an ugly truth, but let’s not hide that truth.
There are many supporters of abortion with us yet who need to understand that if they support abortion they will never be fighters for justice, equality or opportunity.
Don’t make them comfortable in their error. That won’t drive them to repentance. Which is somewhere we all must end up!