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Join us in a special conversation with William J. Federer, author, speaker, and president of Amerisearch, Inc., a publishing company dedicated to researching America’s noble heritage.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021 at 12 PM (ET)

Dial 667-776-9181 (no code needed)

From the media to leftwing teacher unions, a ruling elites’ mantra has emerged as follows:

The United States was birthed only to advance the evils of slavery. It was never any good and remains the biggest problem in the world today.

Everything about America needs to be reassessed and torn down to make way for a socialist, atheistic paradise of absolute equality, administered by ruling Marxist elites who know what’s best for everyone.

It’s all a colossal lie, of course, but it needs to be vigorously countered. America, in fact, was created by Christians who understood the dangers of centralized power and fashioned a system of shared authority at all levels of government precisely to thwart tyranny.

This led to the freest, most prosperous country in history. The Founders planted the seeds of human dignity that eventually led to the abolition of slavery here in America and in most of the world.

America has been a beacon of light to the rest of the world, epitomized by the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor, which is now being assailed by the usual suspects of woke culture.

Recent surveys reveal an alarming ignorance of America’s greatness by young people, who are embracing the poisonous doctrine of socialism. Many have been misled by Howard Zinn’s “A People’s History of the United States.”

Along with Zinn’s Marxist distortion of reality, schools are adding the blatantly dishonest and divisive 1619 Project and Black Lives Matter curricula. These doctrines, plus the LGBTQ agenda, are being forced on our military personnel and in corporate “diversity” training.

What can history tell us is the best way to confront this growing, mandated ignorance and the real danger of America sliding into destructive socialism?

William J. Federer is the author of “America’s God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations,” “Backfired,” and 18 other books.   His latest book is “Who Is King in America? And Who Are the Counselors to the King?  An Overview of 6,000 Years of History and Why America Is Unique.”

William J. Federer’s AMERICAN MINUTE radio feature is broadcast daily across America and on the Internet. His Faith in History television airs on the TCT Network on stations across America and via DirectTV.

A former U.S. congressional candidate, Bill has appeared on: CSPAN, FOX, The O’Reilly Factor, NPR, MSNBC, ABC-Time Warner Affiliates, CBN, TBN, INSP, TCT, FamilyNet, FamilyLand TV, Coral Ridge Hour, 700 Club, AT&T Cable, Charter Cable, Danny Fontana Show, iLife TV, FOX Strategy Room with Brian Kilmeade and many others.

Bill has also been interviewed on thousands of radio programs, including Focus on the Family, Janet Parshall’s America, Point of View, USA Radio Network, Salem Radio Network, Bott Radio Network, Michael Medved and many others.

Bill has spoken across America at events from Mount Rushmore to the Lincoln Memorial to the U.S. Capitol.

He has addressed audiences with members of Congress, U.S. senators, candidates, sports stars, at political conventions, debates, the U.S. House Conference Committee, U.S. military bases, legislative hearings, the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences and many others.

Please join us for this stimulating and informative conversation.


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