Voting machines in a New Hampshire town failed to count ballots for Republicans, and provided the Democrat candidate with more votes than she received, according to an audit in Windham.
Here is how CNN reported the fiasco:
“The stakes, in terms of election outcomes, are low: A recount found that decades-old machines in Windham, a town north of Boston, undercounted votes for four Republican state legislative candidates by about 300 votes and showed 99 more votes for a Democratic candidate than had actually been cast. However, the four Republicans still won the seats they sought, and the Democrat lost.”
So pay no attention to the fact that machines undercounted votes for Republicans and provided more votes to a Democrat than they actually received.
This is reported by CNN. It isn’t up for dispute. It happened. The machine short-changed Republicans and provided more votes for the Democrat than the Democrat actually received.
Here is the kicker…the only reason there was a recount was because the Democrat, Kristi St. Laurent, requested it after finishing fifth by 24 votes.
The recount revealed the problems. The voting machines have been in use since the mid-1990s, CNN reported. They were last updated in 2010.